Friday, September 19, 2008

Shocking Video: Shark Attacks Jogger!

When I was a young boy my parents let me stay up late one night to watch Jaws with them. It was a bad idea. For weeks afterwards I would lay awake in my bed at night, soaked from the cold sweats just waiting for a shark to pounce from my closet and make off with my torso, leaving the rest of me to bleed to death all over my urine soaked sheets. Sure, in the history of mankind there had never been a recorded shark attack on dry land and by the light of day I was pretty sure that a shark couldn’t get that far inland without dying. But I guess when the lights went out my rationality and bravery dissipated with them. All of a sudden it would occur to me that if a shark did make it that far inland he’d probably be pretty hungry, not to mention more than a little put out, and a young boy lying paralyzed with fear in his bed would obviously look like a tasty fisherman bobbing along on a raft. I was certain that the following morning Mom and Dad would find my bloody remains and feel remorse over making me go to bed so early instead of letting me stay up later, you know, when sharks were less likely to attack. That would show them. The thought of my parents being reprimanded by the local news anchors for playing a role in my untimely and tragic demise by making me go to bed so early would momentarily bring relief from the gripping fear, but then it was back to that super-heightened state of awareness that is necessary for detecting sharks in your bedroom.

Every noise I heard sounded like a crafty shark slithering across the carpet, bringing me ever closer to my impending doom. I knew he was crafty because when I’d hold my breath to hear him better he’d pause and wait for my heavy breathing to resume. The point I’m getting at here is that I was irrationally afraid of sharks for a long time, and also that the wet spot on my bed was from the cold sweats and nothing else.

I eventually conquered my irrational fear by rationally coming to the conclusion that despite the SNL skit to the contrary, (which I fortunately didn’t see until many years later) sharks can’t attack people on the land. I’ve held firmly to that belief for many, many years. The new evidence presented in the video below is going to cause me to reevaluate everything.

The stunning footage that you’re about to see shows a shark attempting to attack a human as he jogs along the beach. Let me tell you, it’s a good thing that a young Vanilla never saw this video because it probably would have scarred me for life. Can you imagine if, as an adult, I was still afraid of sharks attacking on dry land? That would be embarrassing, especially if I moved to a landlocked state smack in the middle of the country just so I could be as far away from sharks as possible. It’s a good thing I don’t have any irrational fears anymore. *Casually glances over shoulder to make sure a land shark isn’t standing behind him and rests his hand on the harpoon gun under his desk.*

[Tip o’ the hat to]

Marathon Update: RazZDoodle has announced that he is running the PF Chang’s Arizona marathon. Head on over and congratulate him on his idiocy.


  1. I think I just cold-sweated my pants. The audacity of that shark! We're going to need a bigger boat.

  2. Oh, GREAT. Ants, pigs, bears, crazed would-be kidnappers, and now SHARKS. I might as well just stay inside and eat Cheesy Poofs while watching NASCAR.

  3. WOW, what a build up. Then I nearly fell of my chair laughing.

  4. How disturbing. And I'm not talking about the video.

  5. I wouldn't take a bath for days after watching that movie. Now I'll feel compelled to bring a speargun whilst beach running.

  6. For me, it was Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the thin, vines that wrapped around your legs on the way to turning you into a pod person. Try sleeping, thinking about this, and NOT feel tickles all over your leg. The damn things recoiled every time I took a look though. Don't remember sleeping much in 1979.

  7. This was a bold confession, considering that you have the type of blog readers who might just figure out a way to release some of the famed land sharks around mile 18 of your marathon...

  8. Yup, I had the same fear as I lay in bed at night. But I could never accept the idea of the "land shark". For me, as soon as the lights were out the carpet next to my bed turned to water -- pretty terrifying.

  9. So are you afraid of Land Shark beer as well?

  10. Hook, line, & sinker.

    I should've known!

  11. WOOHOO! Another sucker...I mean blogger in for the PFCHANGS party. I don't really care about the run just the party with the bloggers.

  12. I was really, truly prepared to watch some amazing footage. Damn you for fooling me.

  13. Great video. Almost like an educational safety video for runners. Good call. And I was scared after seeing Poltergeist way too young. Thought I could fall through the floor at any moment.

  14. Great blog, hilarous video. I LOL'ed!

  15. So awesome. I think I just lost all fears of sharks, plus about 20 unrelated fears. If I ever do see a shark on the land, or even at sea, I think I will just break down laughing. No doubt this will cause the shark to believe that I am infected with some sort of nerve toxin and avoid me.


    I will pass on this video to everyone I know.

  16. That's great! I still cannot swim in the ocean, beyond the breakers. I'm still too scared of sharks. I also saw Jaws at an impressionable age.

  17. Good thing i saw that video being that i run so close to the ocean!!! Thanks dude for the warning!!!


  18. Shark: "I'm squishing your head! I'm squishing your head!"

    Anybody watch Kids in the Hall, or is it just a Canadian thing? In any case, great shark!

  19. Silly Vanilla. If the shark had made off with your torso, there would be no urine on the sheets. Just buckets of blood. No worries.

  20. This made me laugh out loud. But then I am suffering from post-hilliest-marathon-i've-ever-run exhaustion. Oh...and I ran more than one 20 mile training run and am still this punchy. Me thinks you might be spot on with exceeding 20.

  21. I totally snarfed my drink. THANKS A LOT.


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