Thursday, March 11, 2010


Do you ever keep watching a video over and over and you’re not sure why? Yeah, this video is kind of like that. I’m not sure why I like it so much, perhaps it’s the awesome title or the music. Or perhaps it’s the fact that it caters to my short attention span and my need to be entertained without having to invest too much of my valuable time.

On a running note, I plan to complete Razz’s GW,MA!6.66MR tonight so I should have a “race report” (air quotes!) ready to go for tomorrow morning... or tomorrow afternoon... or the next day, or whenever I feel like getting around to it. What are you, my boss? Get off my back already!


  1. I like how the credits are almost as long as the video. Kind of reminds me of your blog: Lots of decoration, little content.

  2. Um yeah. Not that entertaining actually. But I give you credit for posting regularly again. Carry on...

  3. That guy in the back could have caught the guy in the front a lot quicker if he had on motion control shoes instead of those converse all stars.

    He should get his gait analyzed and go to a qualified shoe store. Could likely drop his PR by 2-3 min at least.

  4. they got a grant to make that video?

  5. It kept pausing on me and I don't even have a 1 minute 45 second attention span, so I didn't stick aroudn to watch it all.

  6. You really watched that thing more than once? I can't believe I wasted almost 2 minutes watching it the first time. I'm betting the race report will be more entertaining. :)


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