Friday, May 28, 2010

Long Overdue Update

Candis and I are running the Bolder Boulder 10k on Memorial Day. The Bolder Boulder organizers saw fit to place us in the ED wave which is incredibly unfortunate and not at all allegorical. My disco stick is just fine thankyouverymuch, I’ll prove it to you right now! Anyway, if you’re running on Monday stop by section 204 after the race and say hello, if you’re lucky I’ll prove it to you in person. I kid, I kid I’m totally aware of what’s socially acceptable when meeting someone for the first time.

Site News
Is it just me or does it feel like this blog is writhing in its death throes? It’s not that I haven’t been running, hell it’s not even that I don’t have any good material. I’ve got a file full of half written posts and ideas that would last me a couple of months. I just don’t feel like writing anymore. Part of that is because I’ve been busier at work lately (the economy won’t flush itself down the drain you know, it takes hard work to make it happen). It used to be that even when I didn’t feel like writing I would sit down and force myself to put a post up for consistency’s sake. And if I couldn’t find time at work to throw a post up then I’d go home and write a post in the evening so that I could throw it up the next morning like a supermodel after a night out at a seafood buffet. That’s a terrible analogy; I don’t think supermodels eat at buffets do they?

But fear not. I’m not quitting the blog. I’ll soldier on, posting when the urge strikes or when my guilt level rises to an intolerable level or when someone offers me free stuff to review. It pains me to see my blog in this run-down, neglected state and part of me just wants to put it out of its misery but I think I’d miss being a part of the online running community too much, even though I’m an admittedly diminutive part of it at this point. Maybe the inspiration will strike again someday and I’ll get back to writing on a regular basis but for now you’re just going to have to put up with erratic posts, long periods of silence and awkward apologies that would make George Michael Bluth uncomfortable.

I realize that it’s unrealistic to expect people to continue to read a blog that only updates once or twice a month. Eventually you’ll lose interest because there’s just not enough material for you to care about. I think that was one of the things that drew me to posting at CRN. I was only responsible for one or two posts a month, but there were a host of other writers that were also putting posts up so the blog didn’t lack consistency. Minimum input, maximum exposure. I’m all about maximum exposure.

Finally, I’ve turned on comment moderation for posts that are more than five days old because apparently my comments section is a great place to advertise pornographic sites.

I’m going to leave again for a few days, but you kids behave while Daddy’s out of town. I’ll try to get a race report up sometime next week... or whenever. Have a great 3 day weekend!


  1. Good luck with the 10k. Hope to hear about it...someday.

  2. Evidently, Dr. Oz will be running the race. That has to be good for at least 5 posts.

  3. Good luck at Boulder Boulder. Hope Candis doesn't kick your ass!

  4. Did you like those porn sites I suggested?

    OK, section 204. What are the chances I'll find you in the slew of sweaty bodies? Good luck with the race. My daughter's teacher is giving out marshmallows at mile 2.2 b/c doesn't every runner crave one about then? Either that or bacon.

  5. Good luck at the Bolder Boulder. Even if your posts are infrequent I still enjoy them!

  6. @ShutUPandRun, I'm wearing a hot pink tank and a red Red Sox visor. Ian will be in his most garish shirt, I'm sure of it ;)

  7. Well we're glad to hear it is still half-fast and not half-mast...

  8. +1 Bert. Well played, good sir.

  9. Candis - I'll look for your RS cap and hot pink tank. I think I'll wear my running dress (black). Because everyone needs a little black running dress, right?

  10. You crack me up. Have a great run!


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