Friday, May 7, 2010

You want the Proof?

You can’t handle the proof! I guess it was so out of the question that I would win an age group award that some of you wanted proof. Well here is a picture of Candis and I posing with our medals. Candis’ medal is attached to a white ribbon (signifying 3rd place) and mine of course has a blue ribbon because it’s a 1st place medal. Never mind that Candis’ medal is for overall female and mine is an age group award, all that matters is one of them is 1st place (ME!) and one of them is 3rd place. Better yet, the inscription on the back of each medal does not list whether it was an age group or overall award so a few years down the road when we’ve long forgotten about this race the medals will tell a different story.

Question for you readers who have more experience with winning medals: Is it customary to eliminate the top 3 overall winners (male and female) from the age group awards? Candis also took 2nd in her age group and was hoping to take two medals home but was disappointed to find out that she wasn’t eligible as the 3rd overall woman.

Also, if that picture isn’t enough proof for you then you can view the Hawk Hustle 5k results online. Have you ever seen a 5k with such a slow winning time? (21:27 for those of you who, like me, are too lazy to follow the link and see for yourselves.)

Finally, I leave you with a completely random non-running related video. Enjoy the weekend everyone!


  1. Yes, it's pretty typical for races to eliminate the overall winners from the age group awards. It lets more people share in the joy of winning :-)

  2. It's been true in every race I've ever run. Also holds true for a grandmasters runner who places in the masters or overall categories: they get the medal from the "more difficult" category and then the other grandmasters runners move up a slot.

  3. I think it's common to eliminate the overall winners. Congrats to you both!

  4. 21:27 for the winner? the last 5k i did had a guy in 21:27 for 111th place.

  5. You and Candis really shouldn't steal other people's medals. Just sayin'. Really - congrats!

  6. I see Candis still has her "I Can't Believe I'm Still With This Guy" face. Poor, poor Candis.

    Nice self-edification post.

  7. Congrats on the bling.

    Perhaps I should run this race next year. I might have a chance at something!

  8. Wow, my PR time last year would give me third overall. Nice!

    And as others have said, you only get one medal, you greedy woman.

    Officially, a great job to the both of you. Cheers!

  9. your overall "wining" time is as slow as your spell check ;)

  10. Geeeze I need to run that race. I could have placed first or second in my age group. Ridiculous.

  11. @Berry Girl - you must be confused. I see no spelling errors in this post. *quickly changes spelling error*

    It must have been a Freudian slip.

  12. Most of our local races don't allow double dipping in the awards. So the overall winners don't count in Age groups.

  13. pretty standard to have no award duplications.
    congrats on the race.

  14. I'm still on TEAM CANDIS all the way.

  15. Congratulations! That's a great time for a 5 mile race!

  16. Those sunglasses make you appear to have evil eyes. Do you, in fact, have evil eyes?

  17. YAY Candis!!!! Nice job Ian!! What a great day!!

  18. Just discovered your blog via a twitter friend. I love your humor! Great job.

  19. Congrats on your win! Any future races planned?


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