Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We need to talk. I don’t think this blogger/reader relationship is going to work out. I mean, I do all of the work. You guys do nothing. NOTHING! I’m sorry to be so blunt with you, but I really think we should take a break. As it’s been two and a half months since I last posted I’m going to assume that most of you saw this coming.

I really wanted to contact ESPN and have them put on a one hour special where I talked about the process that I went through to come to this decision, but then I remembered that even I’m not that arrogant.

I’m writing this post because I feel like I owe you all an explanation as to why I’m quitting blogging going on hiatus. First of all, I DON’T owe you an explanation, but you certainly deserve one. I simply haven’t felt like writing lately. It’s a short explanation but it’s all you’re getting. I knew that it was time to call it quits when I was recently offered a free pair of expensive, custom-made running shoes in exchange for a review and I thought to myself “yeah, but that would mean I would have to sit down and write something.” Wait a second... I should have used the time I spent to write this farewell post to write about the free shoes! I can’t believe I missed out on free shoes just because I felt guilted into writing this stupid post for YOU people! You all owe me a free pair of shoes!

In all seriousness, thank you all for taking the time to read and comment on my sarcasm riddled ramblings, I am humbled and flattered that so many of you have enjoyed reading what I have to say. I received a tremendous amount of enjoyment from entertaining you and I want to express my thanks to every single one of you by sending you a $5 gift certificate for the Garmin online store. I can’t afford to express my thanks that way, but I want to. Anyway, I don’t honestly believe that I’ll be able to permanently quit blogging so there’s a pretty good chance that I’ll be back at it again at some point in the future. Whether that means a couple of months or a couple of years is anybody’s guess.

I’ve received several dozen offers (read: one) to do guest posts at other running blogs so I may show up elsewhere from time to time and if I ever make a triumphal return to full time blogging I’ll be sure to announce it here at Half-Fast (in the event that I start a different blog) so go ahead and keep Half-Fast in your reader if you want to find me again. Or you could pay attention to any CNN breaking news updates as my return to the blogiverse is sure to be headline news. Or you could follow me on twitter @IanAHunter. I don’t tweet much because I can’t seem to condense my thoughts to 140 characters. I’m just so complex, you see.

Many, many, many thanks to all of you for reading, I simply cannot express how appreciative I am. (Inability to express oneself is always a winning formula for a blog!)

Oh, one last thing, I promise to put up a post if Candis ever beats me in a footrace, since I know that many of you have just been eagerly awaiting that day.

Ian Hunter (the artist formerly known as Vanilla)


  1. I ask Has anyone seen Vanilla/Ian? and this is what we get?

    Of all the gut punches...this is the gut punchiest.

    It's because of Razz, isn't it?

    Fare thee well.

  2. Instead of "Closure" you should have named this "To be continued..." Then we wouldn't feel like so abandoned at our departure or the eventual shock when you suddenly return. Just saying...

  3. Sorry to see you go. Hope you keep running.

  4. Thanks Perry. I am still running and will keep doing so. Probably should have mentioned that, what with this being a running blog and all.

  5. You got me into this mess, and now you're leaving? Jerk. Good luck to you, anyway. Cheers!

  6. I hope to see a surprise post pop up sometime in the future, whether or not Candis beats you. Cheers 'til then.

  7. Well, good thing you weaned us off of you gently. Jerk. Now what am I going to read? ;)

  8. Best of luck in the non-blogosphere!

  9. Too bad, you're a good read. :) Glad to hear you're not quitting running though... that would truly be sad. Good luck.

  10. The first running blog I ever read was Half-Fast. Despite that, I still managed to take up running. So thanks. :)

    Best of luck with everything, Ian.

  11. Wait. First of all ... You turned on comment moderation just to duck all those Viagra ads I painstakingly sent your way via the comment interface? BASTARD!1! I hope you never get another boner in your LIFE!

    Second: I know I complete you. But if you HAVE to tell everyone in the whole blogosphere that, you could at least have included the fact that I'm the "top" in this relationship. Because I'm still blogging and I have to face them all. And by "them all", I mean, of course, roughly 1/20th of the number of readers you have because GR sez you have 651 readers and I have 33 but I suspect at least half of your readers come here only to read about the boner meds they used to be able to read about in the comments.

    Third: Goodbye to the funniest blog in the running blogosphere.

    Best of luck, Ian!

  12. There are not many witty and well written blogs out there. Yours was one of them. We will miss you Vanilla or whatever your name is.

  13. So, I'm confused. Are you or aren't you "taking your show to South Beach"?

  14. I'll definitely miss the laughs. Best of luck.

  15. I don't like these goodbye posts. I'll miss your sarcasm...

  16. See, now, when you close down this blog, where else am I gonna find insightful comments like that of Anonymous, above?

    Viagra? Pfffttt!

    Artie Shaw? Carmen Miranda? Now THAT comment gives me a boner!

    And you're taking that away from me!

    Way to be the cure for the common boner, Mr. Vanilla!

  17. First Banned on the Run got canceled, then Razz bailed (temporarily), and now! Hate to see you go, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Take care.

  18. Thanks for all the posts Ian. You inspired me to start my own running blog, though it isn't half the blog yours was--hey, maybe I should rename it "Quarter-Fast." I hope to read your posts again in the near future.

  19. I'd tell you that you inspired people, but that may encourage you onto even greater things; and we don't really want that now do we.

    You've been great and will be missed. Enjoy non-blogging. And I guess I'll have to start verbal fights with Nitmos, I do live so darn close to him.

  20. do I have to take you out of my "blogs I follow" widget? then, I will only have six in there, and now only one written by a guy (FMS). :-( My interest in my own blog comes and goes, so I understand. But usually about the time I decide I am going to pull the plug, one of my three readers will send me an email and tell me they miss my posts, which motivates me to keep doing it. I will miss your posts. [hint hint]

  21. So long and thanks for all the fish, Vanilla.

    Your voice will be missed in the blogging community. All the best!

  22. I'm not doing so well on the blogging front myself (and especially not with reading them, as you can tell by the tardiness of this comment). However, you were long in my "favorite blogs" list that I checked first (shhhh don't tell the other bloggers) and I will definitely miss reading your witty stories. Best of luck! See you on Twitter :)

  23. I'll miss you!!!!

  24. Your blog was the very first one I ever read. I loved it!!! Your humor was motivating. I understand completely why you're taking a break...writing takes a lot of time. You will be missed!!

  25. Im sad to here you are goin to stop blogging as I have just started my running blog and I am still hoping that someday someone might read it! :-)

  26. right so you're still streak running, on the sly, right? Just streaking?
    God speed.

  27. You are great.Your writing inspires me.


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