Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

Forgive me, for it has been 16 days since my last run. Sixteen sweet days of blissful rest and not running have passed since I crossed the finish line in Arizona. I had intended to run this past weekend, but then I didn’t. I intended to run this morning, but then I didn’t. Without a race in the foreseeable future I have little motivation to get out and run and even the smallest excuses keep me from lacing ‘em up. The good news is that I’m starting to miss running, which I wouldn’t have thought possible only a month ago when I was in the heart of my marathon training.

2009 Goals
The completion of the PF Chang’s RnR Marathon brings my 2008 running season to a close, despite the fact that it happened in 2009. Only now do I feel like it is appropriate to start setting some goals for the year. Obviously the first goal is to complete a marathon in 2009, not another marathon, just the one that I’ve already completed. Hooray for retroactive goals! As has always been the case I like to focus on getting faster more than anything else and I think you can see that showing through in some of my goals below:

  • Get faster.
  • Don’t get slower.
  • Run a sub 50 minute 10K.
  • Win an age group award, and by win I mean take first, second or third, I’m really not that picky. This is going to require entering some small, local races, but I think it’s about time I placed within my age group.
  • Shave my 5K. As the host of the SY5K Challenge it would be embarrassing for me to get slower.
  • Set a new PR at the half marathon distance.
  • Not sign up for another marathon.

Incidentally, I told Candis about my goals and she didn’t think that I could win an age group award even when I told her that I was going to find a really small local race. I tried to convince her that I could find a really small race where there was only one other person in my age group and take second place by default, but she remained skeptical. Whatever. I’ll show her. If any of you know of any really small races in Colorado or maybe even Cheyenne, WY then be sure to let me know, but let’s keep it on the down low so that the race doesn’t get too popular. I don’t want to actually have to earn the age group award, I totally just want to get it by default. That’s how I roll.


  1. Your lofty goals really are an inspiration to us all.

    (Although I got 3rd out of 12 in my age group once and that medal hangs obnoxiously entry way. I should probably stop judging.)

  2. Excellent redundantly efficient goals!

    Good luck with finding the small race to accommodate the AG award.

  3. host your own race and limit it to 3 people per age group.

  4. Set the bar low for maximum achievement. Well done.

  5. you are really going to hate yourself when you fail your "don't sing up for a marathon" goal.

  6. I'm with Candis. Unless you're a lot older than you seem, that's pretty challenging. Even tiny local races always seem to have a few small-town running gods. Also, I've been watching bloggers post-marathon, and very few of them seem to successfully avoid signing up for another marathon...good luck w/ that.

  7. I did a trail half marathon last year with a friend, walked a bunch, took pictures and had a great time. I think I finished like 45th in a field of about 60. When I crossed the finish, they gave me my 2nd place AG plaque. Couldn't beleive it. Just find a race like that. (It was a NEW race, maybe that was why...)

  8. Win an age group award, and by win I mean take first, second or third, I’m really not that picky. This is going to require entering some small, local races, but I think it’s about time I placed within my age group.

    Stop thinking like a chump. Running a marathon has earned you the right to define your age group in dog years. So ... say you're 35 ...

    7 x 5 = 35.

    Find a race where the 5-year-olds look like they've been smoking and drinking heavily since they were, like, two. You'll have a better than 40% chance of placing third.

  9. I think Missouri has the Bass Pro Shops Marathon. First, it's Missouri and second it's Bass Pro Shop, they can't have any fast runners there.

  10. I bet you sign up for a marathon before the year is out.

    I just won my first AG. I beat the other guy by 5 minutes. The problem with small races, no awards for AG's.

    of course, you could get dyslexic and reverse your age. I might have a shot as a 74 yo. until I had to accept my medal.

  11. I betting on you running another marathon this year. Good luck with the small race though. Maybe race Candis in a 5k and you can get second. :D

  12. I'm absolutely certain you can find a tiny, little race and take home a sweet, sweet age group award. Tell them you're in the
    M90 - 95 group to really clinch the deal.

  13. Those look like great goals! Good luck!

  14. I ran the Northside Strude at Sloane's Lake last summer and got 3rg in my AG there...I am not that fast, it was a very small race. I think it's in June and it is flat!

  15. Hey! I resemble those goals! My very first "race" ever was the 2 mile "loser", oh I mean LANDLUBBER option in a run / swim / run race.

    First female and third overall. The 65 year old man whipped me, but I did beat the older lady who was running with her daughters. Total field for the Landlubber "race" - 6.

    Let's not mention the fact that the people doing the full run 2 miles, swim something, run 2 miles again nearly lapped me before I finished my 2 miles. And don't mention that my pace for the 2 mile loser run was a whopping 11:21. Yeah. That's my PACE, not total time.

    But I still hold on to those ribbons and the memories of actually having a reason to stay for the awards!

  16. Brand new races are the key. I went back east for a visit to the family and joined a race last minute. 3rd place baby!!

    Find those new small races and get it done...then lounge around for the rest of the year looking at all those marathons you're not signing up for.

  17. I totally took 2nd in my age group and third female overall in a realy tiny race. I felt like a mega speedster!

  18. Like Homer said, the two sweetest words in the english language are "de" and "fault"...

  19. I'm pretty sure I wouldnt place even if I was the only person in my age category :(

  20. Race Candis and you can each take home a AG award.

  21. Good luck with the AG award. I have found that it's easier for women to win them than men. I've won plenty in my day in my small hometown races, but the mens division is much more competitive!!

  22. Impressive set of goals you have. Just think how easy 3.1 miles will seem after running nearly 9x that far recently.

  23. I know the award thing fix. Go to Cleveland. There are several racing organizers but one. NCN Racing www.ncnracing.com is the place to place. The saying goes, "It's an NCN race, everybody gets a medal." It is not completely true but last June I had two friends that came in last and next to last place of a 5k and both got age group (top 3)awards. I had a hideous 10 miler the year before and still got second in division. They are good races and are competitive just not a lot of attendence. That is what you get when you have three race organizers in one location.

  24. Take a good break from the marathon, and look at doing trail running or something like that, get the joy in running back.

  25. Trust me, if I can win a second-in-my-age-group medal, than anyone can. Especially a more experienced runner than I.

    Granted there were only 3 participants in my age group, and it was a VERY small race, but it can be done.

    Good luck!

  26. Good luck with the age group award. I did a small (less than 200 people) 5K and still came in 7th in my age group.


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