Thursday, April 29, 2010

Alright, fess up! Which one of you is this?

No question in my mind that this is one of my readers so which one of you wants to cop to it.

I have to give props to the people on either side of her for not even giving her a quizzical look. I don’t think a sharp backhand would have been out of order given the circumstances. I mean, I didn’t go to law school or anything but I did take one Intro to Business Law class in college and I’m pretty sure that you can’t be charged with assault if someone’s acting that stupid. They’re basically asking for it.

Also, a quick pointer for all three of those people in the video; you guys know that those things go faster than that, right? Mmmkay, just checking.

Oh, and sorry about that song playing in the background of the video. You should have muted your speakers if you didn’t want that stuck in your head all day, and I should have mentioned this in the paragraph above the video but if I have to suffer, you do too.


  1. I'm confused? What is wrong with this video again? Are you talking about the girl on the right who is wearing *gasp* a cotton shirt? All else looks right here?

  2. if she can do that again with the treadmill set at 10 mph, then I'll be impressed..., you mock, but I wouldn't be surprised if gyms start offering a treadmill dance aerobics class in the foreseeable future...

  3. So, it's not me, but...

    I had never run with music until I downloaded the playlist Kristina published months ago. I loaded that mess on my iPod, stuck the earbuds in my head, punched "start" on the treadmill and just almost nearly turned into the old- wrinkly-guy version on that young lady in the video.

    It's not her fault - it's that devil rock and roll.

  4. Ummmm.... no, not me. But dang, that looks like fun. I agree with EZEthan though... let's crank that baby up and see some sweat fly.

    And really, how can you not dance to Barbie Girl? ;)

  5. I guess Gloria Estefan was right; the Rhythm IS Gonna Get You.

    *Joke excluded from the post due to it being blatently stolen from Friends*

  6. Not me - but, that was pretty darned funny. Thanks for sharing - at least she looks like she's having a good time. Andddd.. i agree, let's everyone crank it up a little faster on the treadmills now, mmmmmkayyy?

  7. After the first arm-raised double hop, I thought, "Asian. Total Asian."

    God I love being right.

  8. Dammit. I was SO just getting ready to post that. I like her thong. If that bit of dental floss can get me moving like that, I'm all over it.

  9. I like the little "clap" she does in the middle there...

  10. I bet she is a hit on the wedding circut!

  11. I have a fear of breaking out in dance on the gym haunts me in my dreams.

  12. Is that how the kids are getting jiggy with it these days?

  13. I can't top anything your other bloggers have commented. Their comments are funnier than the video!

  14. Finally! Video PROOF of someone actually having fun on a treadmill!! Holy Socks!

  15. I can't wait for the next infomercial craze: treadmill dancing. No need to actually get any speed going, just dance away and try not to fall off.

  16. My gym has one of those.
    I want to slap him.

    I've been known to move when he gets on next to me.

    I know, I know. I'm no fun.

    But it is annoying when it is next to you.

  17. Ok, it's not me. Not my daughter. But she thinks it's cool. She's 16 and still very immature. Her response to me? What to the ev.


  18. It might be annoying if she was next to you, but I'm impressed. It's all I can do to not fall off a treadmill just walking or running. And for all we know, she's just warming up. Besides, she's cute, and cute girls are forgiven much.

  19. I'm impressed- I would have fallen off about 10 seconds into the routine

  20. I will admit i kind of dance when I hear a good song, but I wouldn't say I go THAT far! hahaha, amazing.

  21. I wish I had the confidence to do something like that in public!

  22. Is that dude sporting gray dress socks with the white shoes? Seriously they both need a smack.

  23. I love the 'moron' tag you slapped on this. But seriously treadmills are so utterly boring in every way that this is actually refreshing at least from my vantage point at a computer screen.

  24. Nope, not me. Now if she was SINGING too, I'd have some 'splainin' to do ...


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