Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Trim Your Tree

You’ve no doubt already trimmed your tree which means this advice is probably too late but that really doesn’t matter because it’s not going to be very good advice anyway so why do you care that it’s too late? You see what I did there? I made it look like you, the reader, were an ass for being picky about my advice being both awful and late; this is how you move to the top of the corporate food chain, kids.

What better way for a runner to decorate their tree than to do it with race medals? Not only are your medals festive and shiny but they come with a handy ribbon already attached. Plus, now you have the perfect opportunity to tell all the guests at your Christmas party the story behind every triumphant race. Spare no detail because people love it when you talk about yourself. It’s joyous and self-aggrandizing all at the same time, just like Christmas is supposed to be!

Merry Christmas to all of you who are still reading my inconsistent drippings here, you’re my favorite readers.


  1. I am always looking for new ways to aggrandize myself. The people around me deserve to know how great I am almost as much as I deserve their attention. Thanks for a great idea.

  2. Marry Christmas to you and yours!

  3. I really love when people explain how their snarky commentary was meant to affect me. See what I did there? I used sarcasm to mock you. By the way, how old are those medals? Cheers!

  4. Lucky for me, I'm not putting my tree up till Saturday, so I got this idea in plenty of time to make everyone coming over feel bad that they don't have a ton of medals. Thanks for the tip! :)

  5. Here's to a consistent, coherent and continent New Year!


  6. Ian

    Loved the site and your humor. Keep running brother


  7. Time to take your christmas tree down!

  8. Half-Fast where are you?
    You haven't posted for over a month! Your followers are going through withdrawl.

  9. you should at least hang some valentines on that keep things current.


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