Monday, October 20, 2008

Denver Half Marathon

If you happened to stop by Half-Fast late on Friday or at some point over the weekend then you know that Candis and I ran the Denver Half Marathon on Sunday, and you also probably ought to find some more fun things to do on your weekends. Seriously, even I don’t stop by Half-Fast on the weekends (blatant lie). As you read on Friday evening, or whenever you stopped by (you loser) the plan was for me to pace with Candis since this was her first ever attempt at this distance.

Despite knowing better, we both decided that we needed new race shirts on Saturday evening so we headed down to the local running store and we both purchased some new shirts to run in. Fortunately there was no new-shirt chafing on Sunday morning. I bought a nice new neon yellow shirt that is actually painful to look at, because nothing screams “look at me, I crave attention!” like running in day-glo yellow. Unfortunately I chose not to run in this shirt on Sunday so you’ll have to wait until a later race for pictures. Your retinas will thank me.

After having read so much about negative splits lately, Candis wanted to try and use that strategy for the half marathon and printed out a customized pace band for me to wear so that I could keep us on track. The pace band indicated a final time of 2:17:15, and we crossed the finish line with an official time of 2:17:14 (10:28 pace). BAM! That’s how good I am at pacing! I brought Candis in 1 second under her ideal time. That’s why this post is not so much about how Candis ran her first ever half marathon, nor about how her fastest mile was her last, this post is all about me! I am a freakin’ awesome pacer. Seriously, just give me some balloons and add me to the Clif Bar Pace Team. If you want to hire me to pace you for your next event then be sure to let me know. All you have to do is pay my airfare (I prefer to travel first class), pay my hotel bill (a nice big suite), pay my race fees, and pay my “official pacer” fee (I’m thinking we’ll start this out at $1,000 and then increase it when the demand gets to be too high).

Candis ran a great race, but really how could she not when she had me at her side to pace her and give her unwanted advice. When we came to water stops, she ran on through and I slowed to get Gatorade and then caught back up to her (quite easily, I might add). I carried her sport beans and her inhaler and gave them to her whenever she needed them. I even took a picture of us running with my camera phone (see below). When someone got in her way I tripped them up, when someone tried to pass her I elbowed them in the throat, when someone tucked in behind us I assumed it was to stare at her butt and ran behind her to block the view. I was like a one man race support team, and I was good at it.

We crossed the finish line together and learned that Candis’ Dad had come down to watch us and we totally missed him. He was at the final turn before the finish and I think we were both in full tunnel vision mode by that point. We found him at the post race expo and thanked him for coming, I know it meant a lot to Candis that he came down to watch us. Candis has been downright giddy ever since. She just called me this morning at work and told me: “It’s Monday, the house is a mess, I’m cleaning, the boys are misbehaving, I’ve got a huge pile of laundry staring me down, but I just put my medal on and I couldn’t be happier.” It’s as though she’s proud of her accomplishment or something but I have to keep reminding her that it was really all because of me and my pacing.


  1. this is why you should write your own race report.

    Ian was really awesome! problem is... I want to run all my races this way- no more water stops, just have it brought to you.


    your pacing was impressive too, vanilla. :)

  3. Great job, Candis! Vanilla, well done for being your wife's bitch.

  4. Great job Vanilla! You were awesome and I believe this is a new pacer PR for you isn't it? You sound like you really pulled this one off right down to the last second. A helluva job. Congratulations to you!

    Nice job Candis.

  5. Awesome job Candis!!! I think you should recruit your husband to get water for you all the time!

  6. Candis-
    Please tell me how to have your husband serve your every need. You seem to have him trained well!

    Congrats and great job (on the 1/2 too)!

  7. You are the wind beneath her wings. You truly are an inspiration to us all. Of course, I'm speaking of Candis.

    Nice job!

  8. To me, what's most important about this post is that you're both in Sox gear (... despite the outcome of the ALCS!).

  9. Nice job, you two!

  10. Congrats to Candis for reaching her ideal time, and congrats to you on your swell pacing skillz!

  11. Pacers are great. The AMC Pacer was one of the top three chick-magnet cars of all times, right after the Ford Edsel and right before the amazingingly pyrotechnical Pinto, which blowed up real good. Pacers were so bland and unassuming. Hot chicks really dig bland, unassuming, nondescript. Get too descript on them and they get all, "Talk to the hand, Retardo Montalban! I don't care for your brand of caliente!" That's why they also go for tepid water (about warm-spit temperature) and vanilla. Small "v" vanilla. Capital letters are too flashy for 'em.

    Good job, Candis!

    Way to pace, Capital "V" Vanilla.

  12. Haha way to go Candis. And your pacing was pretty amazing too.

  13. CONGRATS CANDIS!! Vanilla I hope you offered massage services afterward as well . . . . you can't be THAT good if you don't do that :P ;-) Great job guys!

  14. Congrats, Candis!

    Oh, & good pacing of course, Vanilla :)

    Seriously though, that sounds like an awesome way to go through a race.

  15. Congrats Candis! How nice to have a servant for the entire race! (Way to set the pace, Vanilla!)

  16. Is it me, or when you zoom in on that last picture (camera phone one), does Candis' expression say "This creep's getting on my friggin' nerves!" I mean, just look at how she's gritting her teeth and her eyes are cast downward in the opposite direction. I'm just sayin...

    Congratulations to you both, but moreso to Candis.

  17. Is there a discount for two races in one weekend?

  18. Great job by both of you... and way to keep the pace, I may need to call on you for a marathon or two. Can't wait to see this yellow shirt

  19. awesome job Candis, it must be easy to run when you have your errand boy catering to your every whim!

  20. Great planning, pacing, and support! I will consider hiring you, but first I need to know if the service comes with any guarantees? As in, if you mess me up then do I get $1000?

    I must congratulate you both: Well don Candilla!!!


  21. Just noticed your hat: Sorry about the Red Sox...

  22. Congratulations, Candis! I hope you're still wearing that medal.

    So, I thought I was lucky that my husband volunteers at my races and ignores all the other runners' cries of "water" as he runs it over to me... clearly, you two are an even BETTER team. Now that you've proven yourself as a pacer, I hope Candis is planning on enlisting your services for future medals!

  23. Ha ha! Way to pace/run like a couple of champs!

  24. The more I read, the more I like Ms. Half-Fast!

    Great job on the whole wedded bliss thing!!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Candis, great job, almost makes me want to run. All you guys remember she was and is my girl first. DAD

  27. Sounds like an all-round wonderful race. Congratulations to Candis and your family support team!

  28. How fun to stumble across a fellow Denverites blog! I volunteered at the Denver Marathon....probably handed you water at the finish! :) Great job, great time! And good luck in the Gorilla race!

  29. Congratulations, Candis!

    Vanilla, if I choose a race near you, can I just pay the pacer fee and not any of the travel? Your services sound pretty nice...

  30. Way to go, Candis!

    (You too, Ian)


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