Monday, February 22, 2010

Where Have I Been?

You have probably been asking yourself that question and it’s one that I hope to answer with this post. You may also be worrying that I’ve stopped blogging but hopefully this post today is enough to allay those fears.

Q. Where have I been?
A. I have not been posting.

I hope this clears everything up.


  1. whoa whoa whoa....slow down.

  2. Dammit. I wrote and re-wrote a post saying essentially the same thing, and you went ahead and did the same thing but a bazillion times more elegantly and succinctly.

    See, if this had been you, you would have just commented me too. Dammit.

  3. @Razz: Sorry, was this too much too soon?

    @Ed: Me too.

  4. I'm hoping there's a good story behind your absence. But knowing you, probably not.

  5. And all this time I've been crying myself to sleep every night from worrying about you. You could be dead! Or even worse, you could've quit running and you were scared to tell us! And now I find out it's just that you haven't been posting. All of the wasted worry... the wasted tears. Hmph. ;)

  6. Just glad to know you're not bleeding in a gutter somewhere.

  7. I just thought you'd found Glaven.

  8. I feel oddly satisfied now. Thank you.

  9. You could have at least said you've busy helping Kevin Smith with flight arrangements!

  10. I thought you just weren't speaking to me. Should I apologize for attempting to capture your ineffable image?


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