Friday, February 26, 2010

Half-Fast Friday

Today I’m introducing a new regularly recurring feature here at Half-Fast called updating your blog Half-Fast Friday. Here’s how it’s going to work: Friday’s post will be Half-Fast, phonetically speaking. This will make Friday’s post much easier for me to write and I deserve to take it easy on Friday. You know what? So do you. Some Fridays I’ll probably take it so easy that it will look like there’s no post at all, but don’t be fooled, you’re probably just tired from a long week at work. Take a nap and come back later.

For those of you wondering whether or not my neighbors responded to my open letter on Tuesday, they did. Well, most of them did but there’s always one. Just take a look at the minefield of snow and ice that I had to navigate through in front of this one Jerkwad’s house. It’s a wonder I survived!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. wow. you live in on of them fancy neighborhoods that has them paved roads. Do you have that them thar indoor plumbin' too?

  2. We'll leave half the comments, too, to even it out.

  3. I thank you for taking a break from the cerebral nature of your daily posts on Friday. I've been a bit overwhelmed by the shear volume and intellectual intensity of them lately.

    Also, I think that's your sidewalk in the photo...

  4. Wow, you're almost like a real blogger this week.

  5. How would it be to have your entire neighborhood read your blog?

    Nice to hear from you this week. We'll take what we can get.

  6. Huh...and here I always imagined that snow just magically disappeared in Stepford.

  7. Been waiting forever for you to start posting again. Imagine my surprise when I had sooooo much to read this week. Glad to see your back.

  8. Clearly this is not your street as I've been to your house, and it's not as nice as these ones. Gives you something to aspire to though.

  9. I'm with Razz. That's a fancy shmancy neighborhood. Are there pool boys?!

  10. Hey, that looks like the Souless (aka The Bubble) H. Ranch! God, I love it...


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