Friday, March 5, 2010

Half-Fast Friday

One of the routes that I run through my neighborhood goes past the back of some houses that have 6 foot privacy fences lining their yards. Several of the houses have dogs all of whom bark at me and one of them even jumps so high that his head pops up over the top of the fence. Somehow I am always startled by this, even when I know it’s coming and prepare myself for it. Then his head pops up and he barks at me and I can feel myself jolt. I used to wonder if he was really jumping that high or if there was something on his side of the fence that he was standing on like a table or piles of dead runners that he’d somehow managed to grab. Then I saw this video (via WG). I wonder no more.

Let me add a note here to say that I own a dog and I love dogs, but I absolutely can’t stand it when dogs bark at me from their yards. Just leave me alone bitch! (Get it, bitch, because it’s a female dog! These are the jokes you get on Half-Fast Friday.)


  1. Holy Lord, I'm dying laughing at that video! I have no idea why. Just cracks me up, bitch.

  2. There's this dog at the dog park where we take Dobson, and he can just as high as my face from a standstill. It's ridiculous. And kind of annoying.

  3. That video is kinda like You don't think you're gonna laugh, but then you do.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I am not sure how funny that video would be if I was not doped up on pain meds...but since I am, it is hyterical!

  5. Squirt gun on your next run for fence dog.

  6. Can't help but wonder what exactly is going through that dogs mind???


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