Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Runner Jumps off Cliff

In last Wednesday’s post I discussed all the ways that I envisioned myself escaping from any would be attackers who might be tempted to get up in my business while I was running. (I hope that phrase means what I think it means.) One escape tactic that I had never thought about was to jump off a cliff, but that’s exactly what one runner was forced to do recently in Malibu. From the AP:

MALIBU, Calif. — Authorities say a man tried to sexually assault a Southern California jogger who escaped by jumping off a cliff and sliding about 100 feet down a steep hillside.

Los Angeles County sheriff's Sgt. Derek Sabatini says the woman was taken to a hospital Friday with cuts and bruises from the fall in Malibu.

She told deputies she had finished a run at about noon at Point Dume State Beach and was standing at the edge of a cliff when she was grabbed from behind. She says she and the man struggled for several minutes before she was able to break away. That’s when the woman ran and jumped off the cliff.

Deputies say the suspect then escaped in the woman’s Toyota Land Cruiser. [Source]
I’m glad that the woman escaped and I hope that they find the prick that did this but sliding down the cliffs at Malibu is so not helping the coastal erosion problem that they’re facing there. Plus, what’s up with the AP referring to her as a jogger? She sounds more like a runner to me; jumping off a cliff is pretty hardcore.

Be safe out there, it’s not like this woman was out running in Compton. She was in Malibu for crying out loud. At noon!

Thanks to my sister/editor for the tip.


  1. WOW!! What a SCARY thing to happen. I know that is something that is ALWAYS in the back of my mind when I run outside.

    Be Safe Everyone and thanks for posting the story...everyone should be reminded of these things on a regular basis.

  2. Congrats on the Politically Incorrect Joke of the Day!!!

    "I’m glad that the woman escaped and I hope that they find the prick that did this but sliding down the cliffs at Malibu is so not helping the coastal erosion problem that they’re facing there."

  3. This is really scary! And in broad daylight no less. It's really sad when we can't even step outside and go for a run and feel safe. Makes me sad just to think about it.

  4. This successfully demonstrates the need for a gripping title. I have LOTS of blogs to catch up with, yet I could not resist reading "Runner Jumps Off Cliff" first.

    Well done.

    Ha! Word Verification- nationf

  5. I doubt you will have to resort to jumping off of a cliff since I doubt even Rupaul would even bother to sexually assault you.

  6. Great, now everyone is going to say how good cliff jumping is for improved running. Thanks a lot.

  7. Ick. That IS scary. In such a nice area....just goes to show you can never be too safe.

    Note to self.
    Run with Tazer.

    Note to self.
    Do not accidentally Tazer self.

  8. I am more bothered by her being labeled a "jogger" than anything else. Or is it pronounced "yogging"? The "j" could be soft, I don't know...

  9. If there was any justice in the world the story would have ended like this:

    "Deputies say the suspect then escaped in the woman’s Toyota Land Cruiser... but as he attempted to escape the Toyota's gas pedal got stuck causing the man to accelerate full speed off the cliff; crashing to his fiery doom!"

  10. I reblogged this last night as a reference when I was writing about the SC jogger who was killed by a crashing airplane! Hopefully you get some additional hits out of it. http://runnersblotter.blogspot.com/2010/03/running-with-your-favorite-tunesdeadly.html


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