Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Goals for 2011

You know what comes naturally after a year in review post?  A Goals for the upcoming year post!  Hooray for easy posts!  You take the goals you missed last year and repost them again, then you take the goals you accomplished and make them a little tougher and bingo bango bongo you’ve got yourself another post!  Some people might think that they should all go in the same post but that’s ludicrous and I’ll tell you why; then you only get one post out of it!  Look at me, I have 2 posts out of this now, and that’s without even counting the next post wherein I tell you HOW I’m going to accomplish all these new recycled goals.  You have to work hard to be as lazy as I am.

This year I’m actually going to try something different in my approach.  I’m not going to have any goals for 2011. (Note: Do not try this line with your boss it goes over about as well as it would if you tried to switch my regular coffee to Folgers - blech!)  However, since I’m the boss on this blog I have the final say, and I say: No goals in 2011.  I’ve never really been motivated by writing down my goals and setting high expectations for myself.   I’m more of a fly by the seat of my pants and see where we end up kind of guy.  This year I’m going to be a free spirit, just blowing wherever the wind takes me. I’ll still run, I’ll still work hard to get faster but I’m not going to beat myself up for failing to reach arbitrary goals that I set while high on the enthusiasm of a fresh start just because I had to switch out my calendar with a new one.  (Note to self: switch out your calendar with a new one.)

2011 is all about low expectations and no failures.  It will be the year of aiming low and surprising myself.  I’ll not be disappointed.  Perhaps my motto this year will be ‘nothing to aim for, nothing to miss.’  Having no goals this year sure made this ‘Goals for 2011’ post much easier to write although it’s going to make writing a year in review post a lot harder at the end of the year. 


  1. You need to take it further. Having no goals, sounds like a goal in and of itself. Instead just talk more about bingo, bango, bongo, and the all important boingo which you left out.

  2. You seem more like a Maxwell House kind of guy to me anyhow. Though I bet since the bank bail outs, you've been drinking a lot of Starbucks right?

  3. "Nothing to aim for, nothing to miss."

    I see--you're following the same motto your parents had when they raised you.

  4. You've met Homer Simpson right?

  5. I pretty much did this for 2010 - my only goal was to get back to regular running and racing (I was injured for most of 2009), and I wound up smashing all my previous PRs to bits. May this approach work the same magic for you, good sir.

  6. I think you missed your calling as a motivational speaker.

  7. My goals for 2011 are to run the Southern Indiana Classic Marathon in April and the Chicago Marathon in October. I have started a blog to document my progress and keep me motivated.

  8. if u hav no goal, u won't know where to aim. just saying


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