Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Running: Yeah, I do that

I should probably talk a little bit about how my running is going lately since I’ve talked about everything but that since my return to blogging.  I took an extended break from running due to laziness and life getting in the way. In December I was busy with year end stuff at work and after work parties and family holiday commitments and shopping and a short family vacation and on and on it went. When January finally got here it seemed like a good time to reset my priorities and get back to running regularly except I got sick and felt like crap for 3 weeks.  (Doesn’t that always happen at exactly the wrong time?)  Anyway, all this is to tell you that I’ve been running very little.  This past week I managed 12 total miles and felt good about it because it was more mileage than I had run in any of the previous 7 to 8 weeks.  But I’m finally feeling good enough to run and I’m planning on doing a lot more of it.

The good news in this whole situation is that the running I have been doing I’ve been doing in a weighted vest. Actually it’s not so much a weighted vest as it is an extra layer of fat that I’ve attained from not running.  Nitmos has his “cheeto layer” and I have my “weighted vest.”  Of course I can’t just take off my weighted vest when I’m done running so I end up doing everything in my “weighted vest” during the cold winter months and I mean everything.  Candis is so lucky to have me.  To make up for not running I have been regularly participating in a rigorous core workout, if you’ll accept coughing until my eyeballs pop out and my abs lock up as a rigorous core workout.

I’ve also started logging my runs again.  I quit doing that sometime last year which was probably a bad sign.  I got myself the Runkeeper App which is pretty cool and I’ve been using it to track and analyze all my runs this year.  It seems to be pretty accurate although I swear I’ve heard it snicker when telling me my average pace on at least a couple of occasions.


  1. Unfortunately I have that weighted vest too. Hopefully it'll make us fitter.

  2. The Enthusiast has one of the apps for her android phone, and I swear there's this dramatic pause every time she-it tells us our pace. I hate these newfangled contraptions. Cheers!

  3. Running breaks are what keep me in love with running, so I can relate. The weighted vest thing is a definite downside, however. At least you can hide the weighted vest under a thick sweater. What if you got like a weighted head or neck or huge thumbs or something from not running. Now THAT would be pretty funky.

  4. Running? Yeah, I do that too.
    I'm running out of excuses not to.

  5. Sounds like you need more running "apps" and less "app-etite". Get it? No?

    I believe the "weighted vest" counts as cross-training. Or cross dressing if you have flabby man boobs.

  6. I don't know about weighted vests and Cheeto layers, but what I've got I call the winter tube.

  7. That winter "break" from running is too familiar. Glad you are back at it. Weighted vest and all.


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