Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Bolder Boulder Approacheth

It’s that time of year again. Time for the Bolder Boulder 10k (well, in 5 weeks anyway). It’s my favorite race because it was the race that got me into running 6 years ago and has always been a good measuring stick of my progress as a runner, or my lack of progress if you’re only looking at the last couple of years. I know that there are a few folks out there who do not like the Bolder Boulder because of the crowded field or the fact that so many of the participants are out there for fun or are walking the whole way and while I admire their elitist attitude and often like to think of myself as better than others I just can’t dislike this race.

Of course, if Candis beats me this year then I’ll officially change my position and join the ranks of the elitist runners who sneer at the BB10k. I’ve been looking for something to sneer at for a while now so it will be the perfect excuse. You may remember that after the race last year I charted out my results and compared them to Candis’s results, but you probably don’t so here’s that chart again.

After I put this up last year I vowed to train so very, very hard for the BB10k this year so as not to allow those lines to cross. You know that it’s bad if you cross the streams, right? How bad? “Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.” However, it turns out that vowing to train hard and actually training hard are two different things and lately my training can be summed up with one simple word: meh. It’s not even a real word which is appropriate as my training as of late is not even real training.

What I need now more than ever is a Runners World magazine that unlocks the secrets of training and shows me ‘How to Run My Best 10k in Just 5 Weeks.’ I’m going to assume that they’ve already covered that topic multiple times and search through all my issues until I find it.

In past years Candis and I have ended up starting in different waves which means it’s never really been a head to head race, but this year will be different. I’m not about to run this thing without knowing how fast she’s running it. You see, no matter how ill-prepared you are for a race I imagine you get an incredible surge of adrenaline when your wife passes you, at least that’s what I’m counting on. That and a superior race strategy. Actually, it will be interesting to race it head to head because of the different race strategies we’ll both undoubtedly use. Will one of us throw in a few surges to try and discourage the other person? Perhaps. Will Candis try to be fast during the first mile knowing that I like to take it slower on that first mile? Maybe. Will one of us try to rely on a strong finishing kick? It’s possible. Will I resort to childish name calling and psychological warfare if I get passed? Most definitely.


  1. If you get passed by your wife, is it called getting "wifed?"

  2. I already have a race that day, or I would totally come and try to beat you as well. While drunk, just to rub it in.


  3. Oh dear... husband and wife should never cross streams. Either she will beat you at the 10k or get pregnant....wait...what?

  4. Do not bring shame upon our entire gender. Instead of filling your cargo shorts with GU or some such thing, might I recommend tranquilizer darts? Cheers!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I've "wifed" my husband at EVERY race except one, and I had a severe sinus infection at that one. Better get used to it. ;)

    Go Candis!

  7. this sounds funny but I always beat my husband, by I has this funny feeling that he is just giving me a chance or he doesn't want me to feel awful..

  8. bragging rights are on the line. .. dont get wifed.

  9. I'm starting to think he got wifed.

  10. Passed by your wife, this must not happen.


  11. If you get 'wifed', you should immediately look for frat boys trying to hand runners cups of beer. Chug two, and mention it at the finish...just don't say it was after you got wifed.


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