Thursday, April 14, 2011

What You Think During a Marathon

The video below may be the best done attempt at marathon humor that I’ve ever seen, and just in time for the Boston Marathon on Monday. It’s so good that I even sat down and wrote a blog post! I mean sure, the first time I watched it I immediately picked out a few minor flaws but that’s just my nature and also the trait that makes me such an awesome husband.

I frequently get e-mails asking me to tell my readers about a new running product or post an informational video. In exchange for the post the e-mailer will be sure to send me some hi-res pictures of the product or of the celebrity spokesperson that I can use in the post and then I’m forced to send them this link which was kindly put together by The Bloggess. By the way, if you don’t already follow The Bloggess then you really should and if your reader is full then just go ahead and delete this blog to make room for it. You’ll be glad you did. OK, don’t delete this blog but definitely delete this one and this one, even if you have plenty of room in your reader.

Anyway, I received a refreshing e-mail from Annalisa at Improv Asylum and all she really said was ‘hey, here’s a video about what goes through your head when you run, tell me what you think.’ I’m paraphrasing but that was the gist of it. No offer to give me a link back from a blog they host, no request for me to share it with my readers, just a simple let us know what you think. Being the hardened cynic that I am, I was prepared for the worst but found myself laughing out loud before it was over.

Enjoy the video below, and then let’s meet in the comments to nitpick the minor flaws because that’s always the fun part of any video posted on the internet.


  1. That is easily the most awesome thing I have seen on the internet today. THANK YOU ROB THOMAS!!

  2. Don't worry, I already have disowned Nitmos for letting his Runner's World subscription lapse.

    Absolutely loved that video!

  3. I just about pants my poop, laughing at this. Funny how runners share a lot of the same emotions, during a long race. Thanks rob!

  4. An entire marathon without a drop of sweat - impressive!

  5. Two words - Nipple Tape.

    No self respecting distance runner with nipple issues toes the line on race day without figuring out proper nipple protection. You only make that mistake once. I'm just sayin'

  6. Why wasn't The Blogess in your "Half-Fast Recommends" list? I feel cheated.

    I deleted you from my reader and added her. It seem like the smart thing to do.

  7. What's to nitpick? It's funny stuff. I like how he gets all whacky toward the end... totally relate to that...oh and the "don't crap your pants don't crap your pants" mantra.

    I will not take you from my Reader... I personally love looking at the same post titles for weeks if not months on end. Makes me feel safe and secure.

  8. Flaw: You can't connect thought like "my nipples are bleeding" and "I'll never nurse children" that late in a marathon. That type of layered thinking doesn't exist past mile 22. That being said, funny stuff.

    Yes, I'm over looking the potshot directed at me. I don't want to detract from your upcoming big royal wedding event. That's how big I am.

  9. That movie is freakin' hysterical! Thanks for posting!

  10. I'm only a half marathoner at best, but this video makes me want to try a marathon just to see if I'll be telling myself not to pants my poop! Awesome!

  11. Flaw: As I recall, a little cracking and bleeding does not get you out of breastfeeding (although being male probably does). Proves that nursing mothers are tougher than marathoners.

    Very funny -- thanks!

  12. I always wondered what marathoners were thinking. That is hysterical!

  13. I love this video its classic, I will be thinking about it during my half marathon tomorrow!


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