Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Miscellany

Miscellaneous thoughts featuring improper (and superfluous) parentheticals (like this one).

I’m pretty sure that 17 days is the longest span that I’ve gone without running since I took up the sport back in May 2005, but that was where it ended on Wednesday night. All the motivation that I needed was a brand new pair of running sunglasses, unfortunately not these ones :(. I had a gift certificate to Road Runner Sports left over from Christmas and since I don’t need new shoes right now and I’m all stocked up on crazy day-glo shirts I decided to get myself a nice pair of sunglasses.

Speaking of crazy, Candis went for a run last night while I was on my way home from work. She called me to let me know that she was running the 6 mile loop by our house, because we always let each other know how far we’re going and which path we’ll be on so that the police will know where to start the search should either of us ever turn up missing. (Is ‘turn up missing’ an oxymoron? It seems like it should be.) What can I say, we’re a cautious couple. (Except when it comes to the bedroom, hi-yo! I’m going to give myself a high five for that one.) Anyway to make a long story short even longer and more boring, while I was still on my way home (and while Candis was still running) I received a text from her that said:

“Out 2 miles and back instead. Back hurts.”

Not being one to shy away from irony and hypocrisy, I responded with:

“Slacker!” I figured that it would motivate her, or maybe annoy her, but both outcomes were acceptable. Either way, I didn’t actually expect that she would read the message until she arrived home, and I certainly didn’t expect a reply (she was running after all). However, a couple of minutes later I did receive a reply, it simply said:

“Kettle.” See, she’s not just a pretty face, she’s funny too. Well, maybe it doesn’t sound that funny here but I laughed out loud when I read it last night. I guess you just had to be there, (although I’m kinda’ glad that you weren’t).

Finally, Razz and I were interviewed about our marathon experience by Tom for the Runners’ Lounge Open Mic series. You can download the podcast of our conversation over at Runners’ Lounge. Stick around tomorrow for another edition of the Weekend Splits, come on, you know you’ve got nothing better to do on a Saturday.


  1. So what kind of sunglasses did you get?

  2. Those "had to be there" stories never give stalkers the right idea.

  3. I enjoyed listening to your experience at the PF Chang's RNR marathon on the Runners' Loungecast today.

    When you talked about struggling at mile 16 and thinking that a DNF wouldn't be that bad, trust me... a DNF sucks! I'm glad you were able to stick it out and make it to the end!

  4. A good rule for stories that end with "I guess you had to be there" is to not tell the story :)

  5. Everyone is jumping on you for telling your had to be there story, implying - or even out-and-out saying -such stories shouldn't be told. But I think they are wrong. Or misleading. Because maybe they just shouldn't be told by you (no offense). Maybe you could get Candis to re-tell yours so that it's marginally funny? Or you could hit the streets and find a stranger to guest blog about it because, frankly, the stranger probably couldn't do any worse than you did (no offense).

    Btw, "(no offense)" is what we in Joisey say when we're trying to be especially offensive and I got my fingers crossed here, praying I was successful. And the reason I'm doing that is that Nitmos isn't around so I'm trying to pick up the slack and be d*ckish for two, which ain't easy. I really have a new respect for pregnant women who have to eat for two, which I think must be roughly the same because in that case there was a d*ck involved, too, at one point or another. hi-yo!

  6. Ooh, Candis is quick-witted. You're a lucky man. Usually when my husband insults me, I just cry.

  7. ummm, where were the kids? probably at home playing with knives. regardless, it is a great story.

  8. I was wondering the same thing about the kids. Did you give them a bowl of fruit loops and hide the bleach?

  9. I forgot that I was the one that turned you on to Nitmos. Geez, you've just made my night. HA HA HA HA. I love that you will always hate me for that.

  10. are you going to hide the identity of the all-inspiring glasses?

  11. You didn't have to be there. It's totally funny. :)

  12. I may be a little late to the party, here, but just listened to your Be Funny (or whatever it morphed into) podcasts and really enjoyed the hell out of them -- some truly funny stuff. I guess I could classify myself as an Athena on a bad day, but thought that bit (among others) was just laugh out loud funny -- thanks for the laughs!

  13. I had a "did not Finish" once. I still regret it, leaves a nasty taste in your mouth.


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