Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting Back on the Wagon

Can someone please give me a hand back up onto the running bandwagon? I seem to be having some problems getting motivated and given that I’ve only run 9 miles since the marathon I don’t have much to write about. I’ve been sitting here staring at this blank text box for a while trying to come up with ideas but I’m feeling totally RazZDoodle’d. Yesterday, I was determined to run. I set my mind to it while the day was still young and even left work a little early so that I would have plenty of daylight remaining.

But then I arrived home, and there was a little bit of wind and I was all “Well I hate the wind and I don’t have a race coming up so maybe I could skip another day of running,” and my wife, bless her heart was all “I ran 7 miles on the treadmill today, you could use the treadmill like I did,” and I had to fight really hard to stop myself from doing that thing that kids do where they repeat what you just said but in a squeaky, high-pitched voice like they’re mimicking you. So I just kind of procrastinated a little until it started to get close to dinner time and then I asked my wife what she was making for dinner in a totally loving and not at all chauvinistic way, because sometimes if she’s making something that isn’t very exciting it makes me want to go run just to take my mind off the fact that dinner isn’t going to be exciting tonight. Anyway, Candis told me that she was making guacamole and that we were going to be having tacos, then as if it just occurred to her she was all “Oh, and if you like I could whip up a pitcher of margaritas” and all of a sudden running was totally out of the question. I guess the point I’m driving at here is that margaritas go really well with chips and guacamole, don’t they? And also that I didn’t run last night because when your choices are ‘running’ or ‘margaritas and Mexican food’ then you take the margaritas and Mexican food and you don’t look back.

I didn’t run this morning before work either, because I had margaritas and Mexican food last night and that’s not conducive to getting up at the butt-crack of dawn and running. So, perhaps I’ll run tonight or perhaps I’ll come up with another excuse, stay tuned tomorrow to find out what happens. (Speaking of excuses, you can win free stuff over at the Runners’ Lounge if you can come up with creative excuses like me.)

Finally, I apologize for that second paragraph up there, I just went back and read it and I think my writing might have slipped back to a grade school level because it sounds an awful lot like those posts featuring the literary stylings of a young Vanilla and I don’t want to go back to those habits where I avoided periods (or full stop’s as we called them in England) like I’m now avoiding running, but now that I think of it, I guess maybe this is just the circle of life coming full circle, so to speak. Whatever that means.


  1. Chips and guacamole? Look at yourself. It's like I don't even *know* you anymore.

  2. Margs on a Monday night? Nice. I've rationalized not running on a much flimsier excuse than that.

  3. Sounds like you need to watch "Chariots of Fire" again.

  4. Take the break! You deserve it. Seriously. Before you know it you'll be back in marathon training again wondering why you didn't take more of a break when you had the chance. Ok I'm also saying this because my running motivation has been nil as well. I think you even beat my Jan totals with that 9 mile run LOL

  5. Marcy, I knew I liked you for a reason! Excellent advice.

  6. You are weak! ...and you dress funny. How dare you abandon even the shortest of running distances when many of your readers MUST live vicariously through you because we are injured. Damn - the word "pansy" comes to mind and so does the term "girlie man" but it would be an insult to pansies and girlie men everywhere if I were to compare you with them.

    If name calling doesn't work, try this out instead:

    Read my words now so I can say "I told you so" later when 1/2 mile from the finish of your next 5K Candice smacks your ass as she motors by you and all you can think is, "what the funk just happened..." as her figure gets smaller in the distance and you wallow in a depression to the finish line, knowing that you will never be able to live it down, because Candice will have bragging rights over you in perpetuum, and perhaps deep down you were merely a one shot wonder and indeed a girlie man.

    (How is that for motivation, not to mention one heck of a run on sentence?)

  7. if you're not running, neighter am I. Pass the chips please.

  8. Come to think of it...Fringe is on tonight. Maybe I'll have to stop on the way home for some guac and keep my treadmill folded up for one day...maybe?

  9. You can't really run on a treadmill, can you? I mean, really run? You made the right choice.

    Now get back out there you slacker!

  10. Since it appears you are kind of a sissy girl, why don't you just run a route in which the wind is at your back then call your wife to come pick you up at the turn around point.

    Or you could conveniently trip and fall and smash your face to get a ride to the emergency room in an ambulance as I did a few months ago (when I just did not want to face the headwind on the way home:-)

    Which by the way, yes I am a sissy girl and I embrace this label with gusto!

    Good luck in getting re-motived,


  11. There's an epidemic of un-motivatedness at the moment. No running happening in our house, and running friends are also in a funk.

    Hope you're feeling sparkier soon.

  12. Well, I'm sure the tacos, guac and margaritas gave you the "runs," so that counts, right?

  13. Not to discourage you or anything, but I ran a marathon in December of '07 and I'm still not back on the wagon.
    You know, sometimes it takes a while.

  14. there is a movie called "Run, Fatboy Run", though the main character isn't fat, just out of shape. It is all about motivation and finishing something. But unlike you, I don't need creative reasons to not run, I just don't

  15. I blame Candis. If she cooked gruel for dinner, you'd be out there right now racking up the miles.

  16. You and I both know what happens if you don't run for ... how thoughtful of me to warn you with my life so you don't have to scrape the 5 lbs away.

    "Run, Fatboy Run",

  17. Motivation or not, if Candis tells you to run, you better get running. I have heard that wives can stop making margaritas and other things instantly.

  18. Well gee, if even my hero Vanilla is having trouble running, then there's no hope for me. I'm doomed :(

    (See? You were a role model, an icon, nay verily a capeless SuperHero, and now my illusions are crushed.)

  19. I'm off snacks and tonight all I wanted for dinner was a big bag of chips and salsa or quacamole. I almost cried in the chip isle. I had salad instead. thanks for rubbing it in my face. . .

  20. When I did my last marathon, I didn't run for 5 months after it. I'm back now, but all that marathon training, it takes over your life, and you rebel against it.

  21. You need encouragement, Vanilla, here's encouragement...

    I'm so glad you are slacking because now I'll have a running partner who will be at my pace and we can talk, and talk, and talk about bbq's, chips and salsa, beer and ale, and all the guy stuff us Clydesdales :::looks at your expanding midriff::: and soon to be Clydesdales like to talk about.

    Say hello to 12 minute miles, Vanilla, but not to worry, you'll have me to run with!

  22. The only hand I can give you around the running bandwagon is one pulling you back OFF! C'mon down here with the rest of us slackers, where there's plenty of guac and margaritas and PIE and all kinds of tasty things . . . on, yeah, and the 12 minute miles!

  23. C'mon Vanilla! You can do it!! If Candice is forced to feed you every night while you are silently "grading" the meals in your head, well then the lest you can do it get your butt out the door for a little run. Baby steps, right...just say you are going to go as far as you feel like it, and the mailbox don't count by the way!


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