Friday, June 6, 2008

2 Garmins?

You might have noticed from the race pictures that Candis posted yesterday (without my express written permission I might add) that we were both wearing a Garmin during our recent 10K. It’s true, we’re a 2 Garmin family. Why do we need 2 Garmins? Why can’t we just share one?

We’ve become Garmin-dependent. I can no longer run without my Garmin, how would I know how fast I was going or how far I’d gone? It’s true what they say, “once you go Garmin you never go back.” That is what they say, right? I guess you could argue that the only time that we need 2 Garmins is when we both enter the same race, but the thought of having to run a race without my Garmin is a terrifying nightmare, one that I don’t care to dwell on at length. Plus, what if I like to have my screens set up to view different information than Candis does? What if the battery was dead in one of them when I wanted to go for a run? You don’t seriously expect me to just use a stopwatch do you? What is this, the stone age?

But I confess, the reason for our double Garmin awesomeness goes beyond practical application. It’s also a status symbol. We like to think of ourselves as being like those extravagant families in the 50s who owned 2 TVs. Sure, at the time everyone thought they were spendthrifts, splashing their money around like an out of control fire hose, but it wasn’t long before everyone followed suit.

We like to stand at the start of races both fiddling with our Garmins and talking loudly about what settings we’re going to use so that everyone knows that we’re a 2 Garmin family. The next time I run a race without Candis, I’m going to wear both Garmins on one arm, mostly so that everyone can marvel at me, but also as a backup in case one fails. Also this will allow me to look at 8 different readouts at once. I’ll have no time left for watching the path I’m running on so please try to stay out of my way. The guy with 2 Garmins is coming through!

Let’s be honest, you probably didn’t notice from the pictures that we were both wearing Garmins, and that’s why I felt the need to point it out to you today. How else would you know how cool we are? It’s not like I’m ever going to have an excuse to post pictures of my Country Club Membership, my personal humidor, or my finely tailored suits that I lovingly tuck into my Louis Vuitton garment bag when I’m flying in spacious First Class.


  1. Ooooooo Vanilla you don't need all those gadgets for everyone to marvel at you :P Your charming personality and dashing good looks is all you need. Can I laugh now? ;-)

  2. Hmmm, those aren't the OLD Garmin's are they?

  3. What if I was to tell you I was from a 3 Garmin family? Then how'd you feel?

  4. Reluctant Runner,

    thank you for noticing.
    We do need the new garmins!
    I want mine in green.
    I want to walk by my computer all sweaty and have my garmin talk to my computer so it knows how fast I am.
    I want to wear it in public, so people know I'm a runner. Could my garmin tell their blackberries how fast I am?

  5. at this point your only step forward is to hire alberto salazar and joan benoit to pace you through your races a la lance armstrong.

  6. Ooh...I wish I came from a Garmin family! Those gadgets are like Trapper Keepers for runners!

  7. Hahahah my family also has two garmins, but I don't know why anyone else in the house needs them. I think my mother just wears it as a watch. I'm trying to justify buying a third...

  8. Cabin house, two Garmins, boy those Google ads must be paying off.

  9. I bet you guys are same-sitters too. Ick.

  10. What's so fabuloous about two Garmins? Sure, I wear only one...but I toss that into the hands of my adoring crowd at the completion of each race and training run. Then, dip into my box of 'em for the next run...

  11. All this talk about gadgetry! I need some alone time, now.

  12. We should change the saying to "keeping up with the Vanillas."

  13. We are a two Garmin family as well...and boy does Troy hate it when I forget to charge mine.

    He hasn't realized that what is mine is mine and what is his is mine. So, when my batteries are dead, I use his (because it's mine too).

    And if I can't remember to charge mine (mine-mine), am I going to remember to charge his (it's really his when the batteries are dead)???

    That whole comment made me sound like a bad wife-to-be, didn't it?

  14. Dude, wearing someone else's Garmin? GROSS. The straps get all sweaty and stanky and EWWW. I will always, always have my own Garmin. Always.

  15. I feel like I am the family that couldn't have the commadore 64 - I just have pong sports....

    I have a Polar that I do love, but I have Garmin envy! (I didn't think I needed all that "new fangled" stuff, wrong, I was wrong!)

  16. We're not only a 2 Garmin family, we're also TiPpies (two iPods). In fact, buying the Garmins saved our marriage (hubby likes to deviate off course like a puppy dog).

  17. Lorraine Baines: Our first television set. Dad just picked it up today. Do you have a television?
    Marty McFly: Well, yeah! You know we have... two of them.
    Milton Baines: Wow! You must be rich!
    Stella Baines: Oh, honey, he's teasing you. Nobody has two television sets.

    I sold my Garmin 205 to upgrade to the 405, "Wow!, You must be rich!"

  18. Interestingly an ad in the right sidebar says "How to Roll: A New Blog for Men with Money": is this a side project of yours, or just coincidence?

  19. In our house we share. Besides...I'm to cheap to buy my own ; )

  20. Just as an FYI: It may be baller to come from a 2 Garmin household, but it's just hardcore to come from a 0 Garmin household. Garmins are for sissies.

    (At least until there is another crazy sale that next time I won't miss by a day).

  21. I can't even figure out my stopwatch half the time. I'm afraid of the Garmin! If it came in pink I'd already have it though.

  22. We will soon be a two garmin family! My hubby has a garmin, and he shares with me, but there are times where we both could use it, and he wins. So, I want one too.

  23. Dude, two Garmin family? That is so passe; although two Garmins, one wrist is a new one.

    I figured with all your insider information you would be telling us about new and exciting Garmin features not yet released to us mortals known as the general public.


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