Monday, June 9, 2008

Liv Tyler is Running

I love it when I get to post pictures of hot, relevant celebrities out running, but since there haven’t been any lately, I’m going to do a post about Liv Tyler running. Get it? I’m implying that she’s not hot or relevant! Ooooh, I hope she doesn’t read Half-Fast because that one’s going to STING for a little while! That’s Liv Tyler pictured over there on the right, looking sexy and not running because looking sexy while running is a feat that only a few of us can pull off, (see image below for further evidence). Also, looking sexy for Liv Tyler is a relative term because you need to take into consideration that she got a little less than half of her genes from this guy.

The image below is Liv out running in Brentwood, CA with her personal trainer. I seem to remember that she was recently divorced or separated from her husband, and if I wasn’t so lazy did any research for my posts at this site at all I could probably tell you for certain. My point though, is that she’s no longer with her husband and here she is out jogging with some guy who’s a personal trainer (is that what we’re calling them these days?). In Hollywood I’m pretty sure that this means they’re sleeping together so I’ll bet that those are the current rumors making the rounds. If those rumors weren’t already out there, then they probably are now thanks to my irresponsible assumptions.

As always you can click on the images to enlarge the pictures. From what I can tell Liv is running in a cotton shirt that could double as a motorcycle cover for my Harley. I don’t actually have a Harley because they are dangerous and they scare me, but the joke doesn’t work if I take the time to explain all of that to you... oh... right... I see what I did wrong there.

Didn’t her ears used to be more pointy or something?


  1. I look at that second picture and can't help but think that she's casting some sort of hex at must be because I looked at the "sexy" pic and all I could think was, "What the hell is wrong with her feet?"

  2. Is she waddling? Seriously duck toed.

  3. Considering her father, I always give Liv a pass. That's a lot to overcome. Too much, really. Though the running outfit isn't helping the cause here.

  4. I don't have a problem with Liv. Her shirt on the other hand is a disaster. Who the hell wants to run in an over-sized dress?

  5. Why is she wearing that tent? I did'nt know it was sext to arch your feet in pics.

  6. You should consider becoming a celebrity blogger...

  7. What the hell is she bout some breathable fabrics Liv

  8. They don't look like they are going very fast. I'm sure you would totally be able to out-run her. Well, maybe...

  9. Why doesn't she just use some of her elvish powers to help speed things up for her? Sheesh, why just run when you are capable of running WITH powers?!

  10. You would think she could afford a garmin? You so have her beat! Also if that is her trainer.... wouldn't he put her in actual work out clothes... hmmmm


  11. Ever notice that celebrities run in the worst (non-running) shoes? I wonder how they don't get injured.

  12. It looks like she rolled out of bed and put some pants on. Perhaps she did with her "trainer."

    And yes, her ears are big.

  13. She and the trainer definitely haven't slept together yet. Check out how he's sucking in his gut.


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