Thursday, June 26, 2008


Well, well, well. From your comments on my last post it appears that some of you don’t come to Half-Fast for your daily dose of introspection and reflection. I won’t stand for it. When you come to Half-Fast you’ll take what you’re given and you’ll enjoy it. If I want to ignore your predilections for Half-Fast and fill a post with reflection and introspection then I expect your respect-tion and possibly some genuflection. You WILL use the comments not for rejection or insurrection but to show me such a collection of affection pertaining to my perfection that it will blush my complexion and probably even give me an erection.

With that said I would like to suggest a statue in my honor here in Salt Lake City. I will file an official request with the city that they build a magnificent statue in my likeness that will be named Dedication. Let me tell you why.

On Wednesday I arose at 4:00 am in Denver, having logged 4 hours of sleep and caught an early flight to Salt Lake City. After a crazy day in the office, I went to my hotel to check in and crash for the night. It was during check-in that I realized it was still Wednesday, which meant that I had a run scheduled. I unpacked my case and found my running clothes. I did not find my sunglasses, probably because it was dark out when I left my house and I didn’t need them. In Salt Lake City however, it was sun- sun- sunny and 98 degrees (Fahrenheit, not the boy-band). Despite my lack of ocular protection and the stifling heat (you know it was hot because I said ‘sun- sun- sunny’) I was not dissuaded, but then I’m a pretty dedicated runner, and also a pretty, dedicated runner.

I reached into my bathroom bag for my sunblock, which is a stupid name because it doesn’t block the sun it blocks the UV. Alas, there was no UVblock to be found and I’m a pretty fair-skinned guy (also a pretty, fair-skinned guy) but I was not dissuaded because I’m a dedicated runner.

When I went down to the stylish lobby I found a number of stylish people taking part in the hotel’s stylish “Wine Hour.” For those of you who aren’t Mensa candidates this is an hour of free wine, and they really prefer that you not refer to it as “All You Can Drink Happy Hour.” With only 30 minutes left in “Wine Hour” I knew that the wine would cease flowing before my run did, but I was not dissuaded because I’m a dedicated runner.

When I stepped outside the hotel and turned on my Garmin it could not find the satellites, probably because we were 1,000 feet further from the satellites than we usually are. It was as if the Garmin was begging me to go back inside and drink wine, but I was not dissuaded because I’m a dedicated runner.

Dedication is my middle name. (And also the name of my statue as soon as the city approves it, should be any day now.) I’m telling you guys, the things that I overcame to go on a run yesterday make Helen Keller’s struggles look like Paris Hilton’s day at the spa.


  1. Could you please add the 'disturbing mental images' tag to this post, please? 'Kay, thanks.

  2. Xenia, I fail to see which mental images in this post are disturbing. I find them all to be quite magnificent, but I’ve added the tag anyway just for you.

  3. ROFL... hahaha! This was a great post! You are truly a pretty dedicated runner... that is pretty, dedicated runner as well!

  4. Hmm, did you pat yourself on the back after this one? Seems like you did. I am picturing a cartoon character full of himself walking down the street post-run. Nice work, not sure I would have done it!

  5. on the garmin front, did you tell it that you had travelled over 100 miles? that ought to solve the problem. of course, it could be that the garmin's satellites only work above 5000 feet and below 1000 feet of elevation.

  6. Isn't it "tooting" your own horn, not "blowing" your own horn.
    Once again, disturbing.

  7. Your use of correct punctuation is quite a sight as well.

  8. From ready your other posts, I have always pictured you as a pretty, dedicated runner.

  9. I already have a statue of you in my basement. More like a shrine. You're the wind beneath my wings.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Well, I'm not a mensa candidate, but I'm thinking it might be difficult to get a genuflect in Salt Lake City, so I hereby virtually genuflect to your dedication, and of course, your prettiness.

    Relax you haven't lost your English-ness, you said "case". Pretty English.

  12. How long are you in town for? I am running downtown tomorrow (Friday), up City Creek Canyon. I'll be heading up sometime around noon (with about 100 other runners, it's a popular lunch-time trail). I'm a 10 minute miler. Email me if you'd like. baldzach at

  13. That is a pretty, interesting story.

  14. I would have stopped for the wine and claimed that my subsequent slow run was due to the heat / sun - which proves that you are more dedicated than I am and deserve the statue.

  15. I have to agree with Ms. V.

    When I read this post I said to myself,'that Vanilla, he's a man who knows what to do with a comma.'

  16. Not a very dedicated drinker though. Should have slammed a glass of wine for electrolytes. After properly sniffing the bouquet, of course.

    So what's that make it, like, four miles now for June?

  17. Dude, you're starting to repeat your literary mechanisms. Tsk, tsk. My respect for you would have dropped...if there was any in the first place.

  18. sRod- I'm impressed. I didn't notice it until I was finished writing it and at that point I didn't feel like going back and changing the final lines in the paragraphs. I will next time. ;)

  19. I admire your dedication to your half-fastedness. Or, I admire your half dedication to your fastness. Whatever.

    I've never seen such a collection of the word "dissuaded" before. Bravo.

  20. You are so strong! I would have gone and got stuck into the wine, LOL. I know, I'm not that dedicated.


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