Thursday, June 18, 2009

There’s No Running in Margaritaville...

... which is why I left work early and got my run in before going to the restaurant last night. Those of you who were hoping for a video of me running falling on the treadmill after imbibing some margaritas! are just going to have to wait because I’m sure it will happen some day. Yes, I had a margarita! with dinner and no, that is not cause for revoking my man card as some of you had hoped. I mean, take a look at this picture and tell me that’s not manly.

I hold it with my pinkie extended because I’m classy!

Incidentally this is not the first time that some of you have clamored for my man card. There have been various attempts at confiscating it here, here, here and here (which is ridiculous since my wife wrote that post!), but I’m happy to report that I am still firmly in possession of it. I keep it right here in my man-bag with my guyliner. You can have my man card when you pry it from my cold, dead, well-manicured hands you heathen barbarians!

Ha! Just when you thought that Nitmos was going to have the unmanliest post of the day all locked up I slap you with this one. Winner: me! Wait... I won right?


  1. I approve of the "!" after each use of the term maragarita! But if you want to out-unmanly nitmos, you need to add a smiley face somewhere. Perhaps in the dot of the "i" - just saying.

  2. What? Margaritas are delicious. Today they are having $2 margs at Heritage golf course.

    I am hoping to be trashed by 6p.

  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a good margarita. (Good being the operative word. If it starts being filled up with syrup-y flavors and the like, it is no longer worth drinking. The one in the pic looks like it passes inspection)

    I am a man who drinks margaritas (among many many other things) as well. Drink up!

  4. I looked at the picture and, well, that's not manly. But there's nothing wrong with that.

  5. Margaritas = semi-manly. That bulbous spritzer glass you are holding? Decidedly UNMANLY.

    The streak saves you on manly points....

  6. I hate to defend Vanilla, but ignore the comments from Bootchez and Ace. A margarita is definitely a pinkie-out drink, and margaritas are served in margarita glasses. In this one example, your man card is not in question. Cheers.

    Not giving us a video falling down drunk on a treadmill? Now, THAT is not manly at all. And quite disappointing.

  7. I bartended at a restaurant that served a strawberry puree and hypnotiq drink in a martini glass. Once every few weeks, we'd have some guy order that drink in a 'manly glass'. Then I'd have to explain to them the James Bond drinks martinis, so the glass isn't the 'girly' part of that equation.
    I think you're safe on the drink, maybe not the pinky, though. I guess that is what happens when you're English.

  8. You win, but only because your post did not mention sweaty chest hair, exposed to the world and dripping down your crotch.

  9. You "man card" is still a learner's permit. I'll let you know when you can get your official license. And there's a long ways to go...

    Way to out un-man me!

  10. If it were a white wine spritzer (which I thought it was before I read the blog), you definitely would have the man-card revoked.

  11. It's not a "man-bag", it's a "murse".

    (Good lord you're straight!)

  12. X-C2, I almost said 'murse' but then I was worried that it meant 'male nurse' and I certainly didn't want to imply that my man card was in my male nurse.

  13. I'm thinking that is a spritzer in the photo. That's the spritzerish margarita I've ever seen. No exclamation point unless there's salt on the rim.

  14. that was supposed to be "spritzerest." Gawd.

  15. Clearly I was in the wrong to question your masculinity. That picture puts me in my place.

  16. Margaritas from the Rio are always manly. I have never had a stronger "girly drink" in my life.

  17. Be careful, dude, your roots are showing. That's a very English pinkie extension usually reserved for tea cups.

  18. there any lemon/lime/mixer in that margarita? It looks like straight tequila to me (which is decidedly manly BTW...although I'm not sure about the glass).

  19. Margaritas always look more manly if you mix and drink them out of your sports bottle

  20. Margaritas have tequila, so the'yre ok. If you said you ordered a Pina Colada then there might be some eyebrows raised here.


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