Monday, September 14, 2009


This post feels a little disjointed, but it’s better than nothing, which was your other option for today.

I’m feeling crapulous today, which I just learned is an actual word. Seriously, look it up. (You should follow that link just to click the little speaker and hear the computer pronounce it for you, I did it like 14 times, but then I’m easily amused by things like that.) The real definition of crapulous is ‘suffering due to excess drinking,’ which is not exactly how I was planning to use the word. When I use the word I use it to mean ‘having the properties of crap’ or ‘feeling like a piece of feces.’ Classy, right? Anyway, I feel crapulous today, not the actual definition of crapulous, but my definition of it, although I did partake in some drinking last night so who knows what definition I’m really suffering from.

Oy vay, it’s been a while since I wrote a post. I can’t remember the last time I sat down to post something. Between Labor Day last Monday, travelling out to Salt Lake City for work last week, and the subsequent sickness that resulted from me spending time in those flying Petrie dishes that we call airplanes (aeroplanes for you Brits) I just haven’t found the will to post, or to run for that matter. My last run was in Salt Lake City last Tuesday. Being a creature of habit I ran the same route that I had run last time I was in SLC, around Liberty Park but was disappointed to discover that they still haven't erected the statue of me that I had suggested.

In other running related news my wife got me the new iPhone 3GS for my birthday last week and it is awesome. I’m not really sure how that’s running related but I’m guessing at some point in the future there’ll be a post about all the things I can do with it and how it helps or distracts from my running. I was going to formally acknowledge that Candis is the Best Wife Ever, but she’s been rolling her eyes at me since I’ve been answering every question with “I don’t know but I bet there’s an app for that,” and I think the Best Wife Ever would probably laugh at her husband’s jokes even when they’ve long since stopped being funny.

There’s one app that I’m downloading for sure, the shoelace app (video below).


  1. Crapulous, that's a new one! I've always been partial to "craptacular".

  2. OF COURSE you have an iPhone. Is "guys with iPhones" the new "guys in Ed Hardy shirts"? I can't decide.

  3. A crapulous post. And I mean it how you mean it.

    I can't believe you can't see through Candis's ploy. A couple kids. A Garmin. An iPhone. How else can she distract you from running as she gets faster? Wake up!

  4. Wait a're still hungover from SLC? I'm confused. Maybe I should actually read one of your posts from start to finish.


  5. Are you working for now?

  6. I am a fan of craptastic myself. Been feeling it since the injury as well.

    Hope this week is better for both of us. ;)

    Yeah, your wife should stop laughing at that joke, it would get old quickly. LOL!

  7. I'm amazed that this is the first time crapulous has appeared on this blog. Seems like it would be a regular occurrence. At least, in the comments.

  8. Happy belated birthday. Hope it wasn't too crapulous. Or shitastic, either.

  9. Haha! I got my "word of the day" email this morning and literally thought it was a joke. Crapulous. The examples were so great, too! "...fretful, crapulous irritation." Awesome.

  10. get the woo button ap. its craptacular.

  11. Twilight Zone: I just posted about feeling "craptastic" and I got a google phone for my birthday last week. Must be a Virgo thing. Or a cool person thing.

  12. Usually I too go with "craptastic" but thanks for adding to my vocabulary! And, I'm sure there's a crapulous app; after all, it is an Apple product.

  13. of course you would try to impose your definition of crapulous on the rest of dare you!

  14. I'm feeling pretty craptastic after the fantasy football beat down I received. Next week..... next week....


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