Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Death Throes of a Treadmill

It was cold last night. Not so cold that I couldn’t wrap up and head out the door for a brisk evening run, but sometimes getting ready to run in the cold is just such a hassle isn’t it? Am I the only one that feels this way? I’ve got to assess exactly how cold it is outside and then determine if I just want to wear one of my UA cold gear shirts or if I’ll need something else over it? Will a vest suffice or do I need a hoodie or a light jacket with sleeves? I just don’t know. Do I want my thin running gloves or my slightly thicker ones? Which hat do I want to wear, the thinner Headsweats hat or the fun one with the tassel on the top that playfully bobs back and forth as I run? These are the important questions that a runner has to ask oneself before heading out in the elements.

It’s just so much easier, albeit more boring, to throw on a pair of shorts and a shirt and hit the treadmill, which is what I decided to do last night. I put a movie on the TV and began to slip into my treadmill coma to help me survive the boredom. But something wasn’t right. The treadmill wasn’t moving and I wasn’t running. I was just standing there watching TV.

“Something’s not right,” I thought. I checked everything again. The dashboard was lit up, the safety key was securely in place, the speed was set just above 6 mph and yet the treadmill was motionless. Blissfully motionless. Standing on the side rails I looked down at the belt and blinked a couple of times before gingerly dipping my toe onto it, half expecting my foot to jerk backwards, but the belt was not moving. Had I finally run my treadmill into submission? Was the cursed piece of machinery finally dead? I hopped off with a little extra bounce in my step, quietly singing to myself “ding dong, the witch is dead.” I was positively giddy. It is flat out wrong how excited I was to go upstairs and inform Candis that the treadmill was dead. I was already thinking about the celebratory bottle of wine I was going to drink and how I’d toast the death of my antagonist. Perhaps I would even mockingly pour some out for my fallen homey.

Then the unthinkable happened; the treadmill beeped at me. It was taunting me, calling out to me for help. I walked back over to it and turned it off and back on again as though it was running on Vista. The dashboard lit up again, just as it had before. I stood on the rails holding my breath and pressed the start button. An eternity passed as I gazed down at the belt but then slowly, almost imperceptibly, the belt began moving monotonously backwards, picking up speed with all the haste of sap oozing down a tree trunk. I let loose a tempest of curse words and I might have even hit or kicked the treadmill a couple of times.

Alas, my treadmill is not dead, and I managed a few lackluster miles on it last night with a few lackluster intervals thrown in for good measure. I suppose that’s good news as it means I don’t have to go through the agony of deciding what cold weather clothes to put on and I can run indoors, but it sure didn’t feel like good news last night when I was on the verge of skipping my run. It’s just one more reason to hate my treadmill, as if I needed any more.


  1. I'm waiting to give my 'mill last rites so that I can justify a gym membership. Either that, or show my wife how much a new treadmill costs. Yikes.

  2. thank you for not spelling it "throws".

  3. Wishful thinking that you killed the treadmill ;)
    I will never again plot againest my treadmill!

  4. Berry Girl, I’m always careful to use the write form of the word. ;)

  5. All of a sudden, you and Nitmos are blogging again. What kind of pact do you two have going? I'm suspicious...

  6. I can never figure out how many layers to put on when I got outside. This was a funny story though! Well told. Sorry your dreadmill is working :)

  7. Maybe you should have saved the last leg of the treadmill for a day that it was hailing outside or something. ;)

  8. This was some touching prose dedicated to a treadmill that nearly - but actually did not - died. Tear to my eye. What's next? A story about your pencil lead that bent a little but didn't actually break? But you though it might.

  9. Are you sure that you weren't actually running REALLY smoothly at the start?

    Either way, hopefully you finished the run with a celebratory bottle of wine

  10. What a shame. You were almost free.

  11. I think all treadmills are posessed!

  12. Good point, Berry Girl. And very important if Half-Fast throes the treadmill out after it does break down.

  13. Ah, that's as bad as a spouse threatening to leave...and then staying. Or maybe that's just me?!

    I feel the same way about the cold weather dressing game; and it is SO torturous when you get the layers wrong. But still better than the treadmill (though I am forcing myself to like it this year...same/same with my spouse...or maybe that's just me?!) :-P.


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