Monday, June 2, 2008

Altitude Training

This past weekend was spent with my family at a cabin just outside of Grand Lake, CO (elev. 8500 feet). It’s my in-laws place and I’m not sure why we call it a cabin because it comes fully equipped with all of life’s luxuries; microwave, cable, coffee and espresso maker, a wide selection of DVDs, Xbox, and even a clubhouse with a pool and spa. The one amenity that is missing? Internet access, but what we lacked in world wide webawareness we made up for in an endless supply of Mythbusters and caffeine. As a result I did not get around to posting the Weekend Splits and just spent the last 15 minutes catching up on (read: deleting) all of the 183 posts in my Google reader.

What was supposed to be a quiet couple of days in the mountains was ruined by two loud, obnoxious kids that were causing a ruckus in the neighborhood, next time we’ll consider leaving them at home or disciplining them better. Ironically, the most peaceful part of the weekend was my run. The sun was shining, the breeze was cool and the oxygen supply was as abundant as modesty following a Manny Ramirez home run.

I took the opportunity to put some of my high altitude training tips to practice, and also stopped to take some pictures on my camera phone. Sure, that was why I was stopped. To take pictures of the scenery, not because I needed a break. This also has the added benefit that I can fill the remainder of this post with pictures and spend less time writing.

These pictures don’t do justice to the view.

I even tried my hand at trail running on this melted snowmobile trail.

Another break from the trail… to take a picture.

Ever the good citizen I was happy to oblige the road signs.

It was a beautiful run, and I recommend that you all take advantage of your in-laws’ cabin whenever you get the chance. What’s that? Your in-laws don’t own a mountain cabin that you can use? Well, maybe you should have taken that into consideration before you decided to fall in love and make life-long commitments. I know it was at the top of my list.


  1. Another good argument for why I'm not married yet... I just can't find the right set of in laws with a desireable time share/condo/cabin/beach house just yet.

    Ingenious, thanks Vanilla! You just made Thanksgiving somewhat tolerable.

  2. Crap, and here I had "good sense of humor" and "gets me" at the top of my marriageablity requirements.

    Thanks for straightening me out.

  3. YOU may think its beautiful but, to me, that mountain just looks like a giant white head that needs to be popped. Very unsightly...Thanks for nothing.

  4. Dude leave it to Nitmos ROFLMAO! HAHAHAAA

    I was kinda thinking that a huge life insurance policy was on the top of the list. You're a waaaayyy better planner than I!

  5. It's the reason why I'm still unmarried...can't find a guy with a family who owns a house in Fiji.

  6. I thought my run at 1000 feet elevation was tough on the lungs! (yeah, you know I am jokin' but I am from sea level!)

    Can't imagine the burn at a mile up!


  7. Beautiful views!

    I'm also holding out for a future spouse with cabin connections. It's a must.

  8. I have heard how beautiful CO is... I can't wait to get out there some day!

    Nice pics.

  9. I love Grand Lake! We used to go there for weekend trips when I was a kid. That is a high altitude though.

  10. Lucky for me, I found a wife with parents who live in the mountains, aka (baby sitters so we can go skiing).

  11. "All I want is a man who is kind and understanding. Is that too much to ask of a millionaire?"
    - Zsa Zsa Gabor

  12. Hello there. Great pictures. I love vacation runs. You get to take in some really great scenery. :) Delurking.

  13. All the time I spent looking for love and I should have been looking for the one with the biggest 'cabin' you tell me! ;)
    I'm actually headed to denver for a weekend vacation and thought I would try my hand with the elevation change and some running..we'll see!

  14. My in-laws have nothing. This sucks.

  15. I think it's time you take your children snipe hunting. That'll whip em into shape.

  16. Hi,

    I've really enjoyed reading your blog. At the risk of sounding like a creepy web-stalker, I've tagged you on my blog.

    Happy running,

  17. My in-laws have a beach house--want to trade?

  18. My in-laws have a cabin in the mountains. But they rent it out to "supplement their income." How greedy.

  19. I married for the great kissing (and stuff)....after 15 years....I can tell you it's wayyyy better than a cabin in the mountains!


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