Friday, May 30, 2008

Up Next

I was really hoping to be able to take a little break after the Bolder Boulder, not a break from being awesome, just a break from running. Unfortunately though, I don’t think that’s in the cards, so I’ll be shifting my attention to a couple of half marathons that I have coming up (the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon and the Denver Half Marathon). I knew that the Georgetown race was on August 9th but it didn’t occur to me that August 9th is only 10 weeks away. The FIRST training plan for a Half Marathon is 18 weeks long, which means that I’m already 8 weeks behind. Sigh. I guess I’ll keep running.

Not only am I 8 weeks behind schedule (hey just like at work!) but I’ve also got a trip to Vegas coming up in June. Candis and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary because she just keeps sticking around. It’s one of life’s great mysteries; why don’t psychics ever win the lottery, why does the doctor leave while you undress, and why is my ever-supportive wife still here? The world may never know. Needless to say, we will be spending very little time running while we’re in the middle of the frickin’ desert in June, and plenty of time eating and drinking inappropriately. That will probably put a 2-3 minute dent in my Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon (GISHM) time but it will be worth it.

Some of you mentioned in the comments of a previous post that it was time for me to add some new races and change up the routine a little. First of all, bite me. Secondly, the GISHM will be a new race for me this year, so kindly refer back to my first-of-all. This race starts at a breathtaking 8500 feet and gradually makes its way to the finish line at 7500 feet. I like to think of it as the PR-maker. In addition to the two half marathons I’m preparing for (two halves make a whole, no?) I’ll also throw in some 5Ks here and there, just to keep my t-shirt rotation nice and fresh.


  1. Pfft! Ten weeks is plenty of time! I got ready for the Cleveland half in six weeks and came back from injury. Or are you just sowing the seeds for future excuses?

  2. I think my sister will be in Vegas in June. Me, I'll be here, or at my parents cottage.......

    I"m hoping for Mexico in the winter & maybe Disney Princess in March........but that might not be realistic ($$wise)......

    Vegas. . . . I would love to just sit & people many freaks do yo think you'll see in an hour?!?!?! I"m ubber-jealous!

  3. Early congrats to you and Mrs. Vanilla on your anniversary. Mostly for Candis though.

  4. When are you going to Vegas? If it's the last weekend, you should do the Running with the Devil thing that I'm thinking about attempting. I think there is even a 5K option if you want to wuss out and not do the hardcore half-marathon that I'm doing (which is clearly WAY more intense than the full marathon and the ultra).

  5. We're just here to make sure your t-shirt collection doesn't get old!

  6. I'm noticing a collection of "halfs" starting to accumulate on this blog: half fast, half marathons, half wit. Time to take the leap. Drop the "half" part.

  7. You have plenty of time to train for a half in 9 weeks, especially coming off a super-duper 10K performance.

    As far as the wifey sticking around for ten years, that's what happens when you slip her the right drugs, right?

  8. Congrats on your 10 years! That is great. Vegas in June and running... hmmm not sure what turnip truck you fell off of, but I like the drinking and eating inappropriatley...

    You are aware that Denver is a mile above sea level? right? just checking? Me at well sea level, doesn't much like the altitude thing!

    Best wishes!


  9. Sounds like you have some fun and work planned. Good luck with your training.

  10. My Half-Marathon training plan is only 10 weeks. Maybe you should change your plan?

  11. Happy anniversary!!! May you have many, many more!!!!

  12. Oooops, I used my embroidery business ID....LOL...the above post is from ME!!!

  13. Happy Up-coming Anniversary!

    You can "race" through the buffet lines in Vegas, that counts. As does upper body work on the "machines."

    A proper 10 yr anniversary celebration sounds much more important that an impressive race time. (Proclaims the woman who's never entered a race in her life. I imagine there are others who might disagree with me, but screw 'em).

  14. I've been to Vegas in June and actually seen people running. THEY ARE CRAZY. You have the right mind, take the time to enjoy your trip ... all training programs have built in "rest", just take that one a bit more literally :)


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