Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Better than a Fuel Belt?

On Saturday I finally got back to some double digit mileage with a sweaty 10 miler, but it isn’t my Herculean efforts that I’m planning on regaling you with in this post. I’ll save that for another time. Instead what I’d like to draw your attention to is a bizarre sight that I saw during my long run. I sped (yes, sped) around a corner and found myself rapidly gaining on a woman walking around the lake with a water bottle on her head, ever alert for new blog fodder I whipped out my camera phone and snapped this picture:

The really strange part was the steadfast demeanor of the water bottle. It didn’t wobble to and fro, it didn’t look like it was in any danger of falling off her head despite the fact that it was a little crooked. It just stood there like a stoic Leaning Tower of Pisa. The woman walked briskly and not at all cautiously as though she knew that the little water bottle would not fall. I never saw her reach up to steady it or catch it, and I never saw her take a drink from it but it did appear to be half empty. Although I suppose you optimists might have claimed that it was half full.

I passed her quickly and I successfully resisted the temptation to knock the water bottle from her dome or trip her to see if it was in fact attached somehow. It occurred to me that it could be a mirage. Thirsty people stranded in the desert often think they see water, and it was hot and I was thirsty. Then I got home and looked at the picture I’d taken and unless my camera was also hot and thirsty and seeing the same mirage I realized that it must be real.

I don’t understand why you would do this, and when I don’t understand something I find that the best response is to make fun of it. Seriously, what’s the point of this? Does it help your balance or posture? And if so, does it help it enough to outweigh the fact that you look weird doing it? I think not. Is it easier to secure your water bottle to your head than to carry it or wear a fuel belt? I’m baffled. Do any of you carry your water bottles like this or know why someone would? I’m all ears if you’ve got answers in the comments.


  1. Actually, that was me. I just wanted to get my picture on your blog.
    Okay, not really.
    Maybe she's from one of those African countries where they carry stuff like water jugs, and rocks, and sacks of flour on their heads.
    That's all I can think of.

  2. Oh that's awesome... I think your post made my day.

    How do you carry everything with you on your runs? Water, camera, etc?

  3. Better she carry it on her head then certain other areas

  4. That photo inexplicably rocks my world. I'm guessing she's African. The fitness community in this country is officially a salad bowl and not a melting pot. Just awesome.

  5. She's the cool version of a beauty queen contestant prepping for the big day. No?

    Maybe she is from Africa. I was in Zimbabwe once many years ago and a member of my home-stay family just plopped my gigantic backpackers' pack onto his head and 'carried' it like that all the way to their home. Look, ma, no hands! It was awesome. I tried doing that the entire time I was there, but I stunk on ice at it.

  6. Sometimes when I'm drinking, I like to balance my beverage on my head. It's my event in the drunk olympics. Maybe this lady is my competition.

  7. Interesting timing for this post! During my race on Sunday, it was pretty hot, so I hit on the tactic of taking the cups of ice and holding them on my forehead (open end on my skin) so that the ice would feel good and cool me down but my hands didn't get cold and I didn't drop any ice. Maybe this was a variant of that.

  8. I think she was taunting you with both her water and her balancing skillz.

  9. "Look I can beat Vanilla while balancing water on my head!"

    Apparently you never caught up to the woman doing back flip juggling while nursing 2 babies.

  10. I don't think I could have run by her without asking her about it.

  11. My immediate thought was she is working on her posture?!? That's some crazy shiz. She totally has my ass though . . .and that's not a good thing LOL

  12. What, you got a problem with a woman wearing the latest fashions? Hats are in, baby! Bizarre hats especially.

  13. huh.


    Ive entirely delurked only to add:


  14. Maybe she just gets her kicks out of velcroing a bottle to her head and tormenting poor saps like you.


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