Monday, July 7, 2008

The Running of the Bulls

“Weee-heeeee! What fun!”

Today marked the first day of the traditional Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain. You may not know this but Pamplona, Spain is actually where the Fountain of Youth is located, except replace ‘Youth’ with ‘Stupidity.’

According to reports at least 9 people were injured in the festivities, which included being chased by angry bulls over a half mile course before finishing in the bullfighting arena. No word yet on how many bulls were injured during the chase but I wouldn’t worry too much about the bulls. Apparently they have some wonderful veterinarians (or “bullfighters” if you prefer) waiting in the stadium (or slaughterhouse) and if they deem any of the bulls to be too injured (or too bull-like) to live they humanely put them down. This is often a slow process that takes the bull many hours to die but I’m quite sure that they have the bull’s best interests at heart. Often, crowds of sympathetic supporters (or sadistic barbarians) gather to mourn (cheer) the bull’s passing.

I’m laying on the sarcasm pretty thick here, and I’ve never really considered myself an animal rights activist or anything. Mostly because that would require some kind of principles or commitment on my part and that sounds like a lot of work, but something about this 9 day festival just isn’t right. I’ll be the first to admit that I love me a good steak, and I don’t have a problem with the killing of tasty animals for sustenance, but I guess I draw the line at doing it for sport. Does this mean that I do have some principals? Is this what it feels like to take a stand for a cause? It feels kind of tingly with a faint air of superiority. I think I like it. Have I finally found an outlet for my bawdy self-righteousness?

Note: If you turn my comments section into an animal rights flame war I will run over the next cat I see.


  1. This always seemed like a great event to watch from a balcony with a pitcher of Sangria and comment on these runners' lack of proper speedwork, intelligence.

  2. You gotta have a lotta bulls to run with the bulls. Get it? Just forget it. I need a vacation.

    How tough can running with the bulls be? I mean, all you have to do is NOT be the last 9 (or however many bulls there are) and you're good, right? If it's like a typical American road race, though, I'd be behind "that guy". You know, the guy that thinks he should be at the front of the pack when he really shouldn't.

  3. I thought once about seriously going to see this event, but even being a bystander I'm pretty sure I'd somehow be shredded into confetti.

    La Tomatina would be much more my speed, I think.

  4. Since bulls aren't tasty animals (as far as I know), I say Let Them Live. I'm all for murdering only tasty animals that can be chopped down to fit on my barbecue.

  5. I just wanted to point out that I dated a hard-core animal rights activist in highschool. He had a big ass tattoo down his leg that said VEGAN. Think huge.

    Yeah, he eats meat now...but never with shorts on.

  6. next thing you know you'll be swimming! principals- there went the blog!

  7. I don't like cats anyways... hehehe.

  8. How fast do you have to run to outrun the bulls? And can a bull run 26.2 miles? I think it sounds like a perfect opportunity to guarantee a PR!

  9. I thought the Fountain of Youth was here in FL...

  10. Wow, Ponce De Leon sure must feel stupid :-).

    What a senseless tradition. I'm glad I'm not the only one that views this as retarded.


  11. Principals? maybe. Principles. nah. Just a weak moment and an opportunity for sarcasm. I'm all about the sangria on the balcony if Viper's making invites.

  12. Being chased by an angry German shepherd on my last long run was bad enough, but CHOOSING to be chased by angry, horn-wearing bulls? Insane!!

  13. I'm taking a class on Human Perceptions of Animals right now. It's absolutely fascinating. If you want me to send you some article suggestions, let me know.

  14. Viper stole my thunder on this one. This is completely a spectator sport where we get to be arm chair coaches criticizing the (most likely drunken) participants lack of speed interval training.

  15. How would we feel if it was group of big german shepards or great danes, taunted into angry fighting in a ring and being speared constantly until they slowly bled to death?

    Yeah, that's what I thought.

  16. I'm far from vegetarian, and am not an animal activist, but I abhor the "torment" of animals for sport. Think the running of the bulls, think dog fights, think the bloody Grand National in England and how many horses have been destroyed. Heck, think horseracing where they race thoroughbreds at 2 years old when they're just not mature.

  17. I actually have a friend who was running with the bulls this year. He has kind of a Hemingway fetish. I just hope he doesn't say A Farewell to Arms.* Or Skull Chunks.

    *You see what I did there? With the literary pun**? HA! I kill me!
    ** It was either that or "For Whom the Bull Tolls".

  18. u are such a nerd j-money


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