Saturday, July 19, 2008

Weekend Splits

Weekend Splits is my recap of things that I found interesting or humorous over the past week. If you have a submission for the weekend splits e-mail me.

Does riding this bike constitute a Brick workout?

Michemily posted the link to that image in the comments a while ago and I’m just now getting around to using it. Thanks Michemily!

  • Many of you are taking part in the Hundred Push Ups Challenge. Viper responded this week by announcing his Chin Up Challenge. But it’s a chin up challenge with a twist. Or on the rocks. Or neat. Or however you take it really.
  • If you haven’t been following Xenia’s Wizards of Blogland story featuring many of your favorite running bloggers then you’re really missing out. Missing out on Xenia (Warrior Princess?) skewering and roasting them that is.
  • Frayed Laces is proposing a new formula that indicates runs longer than 16 miles get exponentially longer. It’s a pretty confusing equation for someone like me and the results are terrifying, which is why I don’t do runs longer than 16 miles, or even 13.1 really.
  • Kristina spent 103 minutes on the phone with Garmin customer service, which equates to a pace of roughly 3 curse words/minute. In all honesty the solution to her problem was staring her right in the face the whole time: Don’t sweat in your Garmin 405. Duh!
  • Cranky Fitness is rewriting the fitness dictionary. You may think you know what a marathon is or what a split is, but you’d be surprised. Hey while we’re at it, let’s change fartlek to something less prone to juvenile snickering.

Comment of the Week
As much as I loathe to feed his ego, Nitmos actually made me spit oatmeal out on my keyboard when I read the following on my Elevation Profiling post.
I’ve had pimples bigger than that hill. On my ass.
Random Non-Running Related Video of the Week
This week it’s a little Gangsta Rap courtesy of Bert and Ernie. Snoop D - O - Double-G gots nothin’ on these two.

Have a great weekend everyone! Happy running.


  1. Hey Vanilla, just RSSed your blog!

    Kristina spent 103 minutes on the phone with Garmin customer service, which equates to a pace of roughly 3 curse words/minute. In all honesty the solution to her problem was staring her right in the face the whole time: Don’t sweat in your Garmin 405. Duh!

    Do you have a Garmin 405 or Nike+? I love my Nike+ but I always wonder how accurate it is. It seems like a very moody piece of equipment.

  2. hey, thanks for the link love. Almost makes my morning in the Garmin wasteland worth it!

  3. Warrior Princess? Not so much. But I do have a cousin named Zena, but (obviously) spelled with a 'z'.

    I guess you're not a Bond fan or else you would have asked if I was Xenia Onatopp.

    No, I'm not her either. A shame really.

    Thanks for the link.

  4. I take my Chin Up Challenge with an IV, but that's just my preference.

    Thanks for the link.

  5. Between chin up challenges and pimple sized hills, I'm busting a gut over here!

  6. Curious that no one's asked about the after effects of its lancing. I guess we'll leave it to the imagination then.

    Consider the ego temporarily ass-uaged.


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