Wednesday, July 16, 2008

OK Fine. I’ll Do It Too.

I have over 150 running blogs in my Google Reader because I like to pretend that I have my fingers on the maxed out pulse of the running blog community, and lately I have been noticing a lot of running blogs talking about the one hundred push ups challenge. It has been like one of those viral memes that occasionally spread through my reader like this wicked, burning rash that I have. Being the egomaniac that I am, I assume that you’re all posting about the one hundred push ups challenge just to give me the hint that I should get on board. I get it. I’m reading you loud and clear and I’ve decided that I’ll join in the fun.

Initially I was going to join the challenge without mentioning it here on Half-Fast because it just seems so unoriginal and copycat to do it now when so many of you are already on the second or third week of the program. Also, I figured if I didn’t mention it then no one would be able to laugh at me or call me a slacker when I wash out in 2 weeks. However, I wasn’t sure what to post today and this seemed like the easy way out.

When I first heard about the one hundred push ups challenge I was pretty excited, but that’s because I thought that it had something to do with the push up bra, or as I prefer to call it the big let down, which is what happens when it comes off, both physically and emotionally. Anyway, I’m still excited about the challenge just not as visibly so as I was before. The first step as you all know is to do the initial test and see how many push ups you can perform before exhaustion. I’m a little unsure about how this works though, because I started this test last night and I’m still going strong. It’s true, I’m actually doing one handed push ups right now and typing with my other hand. I hope it’s not considered cheating to do the push ups one handed.

Finally, if anyone has any good home remedies for an itching, burning rash please post them in the comments. If need be I am happy to provide pictures of the infected area.

UPDATE: My apologies to the ladies for the boobies up there, if you like you can go visit Frayed Laces for a little dose of Matthew McConaughey. SWOON!


  1. I'm taking long, hard look at this post to determine its relevance to ... what were you talking about again?

  2. It's all about class here at Half-Fast.

    I can't stop laughing at the 'boobies' tag.

  3. Xenia, maybe that should be my new tagline. "It's all about class here at Half-Fast."

  4. Even more proof that women are far superior to men. We choose Mr. McConaughey not only for his athleticism, but also for his witty sense of humor and stellar bongo skills.

    You choose...a faceless set of boobs? My sympathies to Candis.

  5. I think Vanilla just gave away his decapitation fetish. Probably really likes those headless department store models also.

  6. I agree with frayed laces... lol.

    I was thinking about doing the challenge too. I'll start this week, so you don't feel left out.

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you for that link to my man. LOL.

    And, nanny-nanny-boo-boo, you joined the pushup challenge (said in a menacing sing-song tone.)

  8. I've considered doing the pushup challenge, but haven't mentioned it on my blog yet. The reason? The test sounds like a pain, and I'm thinking if I can't even motivate myself to do the test, how am I going to motivate myself to do the whole program? Maybe if enough of the blogs I read do it, I'll follow, lemming-style.

  9. I can't even comment, the rest of the comments have me laughing so hard! Too funny... nothing but class!


  10. "which is what happens when it comes off, both physically and emotionally." Really? thanks honey. now I will go to frayed laces MattMac link. (is that your way of making up for the disapointing boobies comment?)

  11. Nice comeback with the boobs, haha.
    The 100 pushup thing is making my arms strong. I'm on week 2, day 2 is tomorrow. It's good!! Glad you joined in the fun.

  12. @ Candis: No, no, no, no, no, no. I wasn't speaking specifically of yours!

    Ahhh Crap!

  13. 'Nilla's in the dog house. Again.

    Too funny.

  14. Good luck with the pushup challenge!

  15. ROFLMAO at Frayed Laces. Ooohhhh you men!! Both that's some nice boobage even if it is an optical illusion.

  16. the pushing upward is beating this woman DOWNWARD as well.

    but she lives in the land Matty McC oft visits so she wakes each morning praying for a shirtless sighting.

    anything to drag my weary arse outta bed!

  17. I think it is apparent that Vanilla is much better than the rest of us. Perhaps Vanilla posesses super human powers or perhaps Vanilla is the model of the perfect human form.

    I plead with Vanilla not to publish the results of his attempt at the One Hundred Push Ups Challenge as it will only serve as another reminder of how inferior we are to the legend that is Vanilla.


  18. I'd like to take the push-up bra challenge, which is to say that I'd like to find one that can make it look like I have something to push up. Actual push ups? That's why I'm a runner, dude.

  19. Dude, I thought that may be the pic of the pecs you're aiming for in the challenge.

  20. Jess, if I had pecs like that I'd never get anything done. I'd be too busy playing with them morning, noon and night.

  21. Your not behind, I've only just started myself but, like you, I caved into the peer pressure.

  22. Oh crap, even you are doing it? geez.


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