Saturday, August 2, 2008

Weekend Splits

Weekend Splits is my recap of things that I found interesting or humorous over the past week. If you have a submission for the weekend splits e-mail me.

Kara Goucher (pictured above) is a US medal hopeful in the 5,000 meters and the 10,000 meters at the upcoming Olympics. Also, she’s kinda’ hot. Thus concludes the Half-Fast Olympics Preview.
  • For similar previews of the Olympics check out the AOL Fanhouse Attractive Olympians series of posts.
  • Speaking of attractive, I would be remiss if I didn’t link you to my post over at CRN from this past week: Running is Cheap.
  • April and Amy over at Twenty Six Point Two just celebrated their 1 year blogiversary. Paper is the traditional 1 year anniversary gift, but you’ll have to make do with a link in the Weekend Splits because I’m cheap. Look at that, it fits you both perfectly! Check out their best and worst 5 running moments (Amy’s and April’s) and congratulate them while you’re there.
  • Viper responded to my challenge with baseless insults like calling me half-smart, but I would expect no less from that besotted lout.
Comments of the Week
From chia on the Plans for a PR post:

If Vanilla wins, I'm seriously cutting my mileage in half because it would be
the ultimate testament to the fact that not running is the antidote to

Random Non-Running Related Video of the Week
The honor this week goes to a bench-clearing brawl at a Japanese baseball game. I hope that it is fake but if it’s not, the Japanese obsession with quirky game shows is starting to make sense.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. AND Goucher beat La Radcliffe. *Why* the USA hasn't wheedled her into marathon training is beyond me...

  2. That was the best Olympic preview ever made!

  3. I'm excited for the Olympics to begin. Track and Field events galore!

  4. Another reason to to like her is that she's a former CU Buff (her husband, Adam, too)

  5. Can you define "kinda" hot? Is it like being "kinda" pregnant or is it perhaps a superfluous term to lead the wife into thinking that your opinion of KG is that she is just "OK"?

  6. Yeah, I had to leave a little wiggle room there for when my wife reads it. ;)

  7. At least I didn't say you weren't smart at all. That's pretty much a compliment.

  8. Kinda hot - really? I'll readily admit I would do 'most anything for those abs, but there is something decidedly masculine about Goucher's pouch in that particular pic. Like she's packing a mini peen or something.

  9. I have to agree, he', she's packing more than some male dancers are.

  10. And Paris Hilton thinks she's hot.


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