Monday, August 4, 2008

You’re Sick Because You’re Weak!

My whole family has been sick this past weekend, coughing and wheezing with a little puking thrown in just for good measure. My wife and both boys have been feeling absolutely miserable and have been popping Dayquil and Nyquil caplets like a young Brett Favre, as if you hadn’t heard enough about that guy already. Anyway, they were a pretty sad bunch, and I’m still kind of mad at them for ruining my weekend. Why can’t they get sick during the work week when I’m not around to put up with it? So inconsiderate.

Nevertheless, I shrugged off my annoyance at their illness and played the role of supportive husband. Mostly that consisted of me strutting around, displaying my good health and telling them that they were sick because they weren’t mentally strong enough to fight it off. I almost never get sick, which is why it annoys me so much when others are ill, I suppose. If you didn’t want to be sick, then you wouldn’t be sick, it’s just that simple.

When they first started coming down with sore throats and wet, hacking coughs I was a little worried that I would catch it right before my half marathon this Saturday. However, I’ve since decided that I don’t think I’ll allow myself to get sick this week. I’m going to take a rain check on whatever it is that my family has been infected with. And if by some twist of fate I do get sick this week, I don’t anticipate it preventing me from beating Viper’s PR in the half marathon because the list of ways that he is superior to me is shorter than Tom Cruise and just as phony.


  1. If the Mother Ship gets ahold of this post, L. Ron himself may come down and go all Top Gun all over your ass. Don't mess with Tiny Tom.

  2. At least it's a list and not just one item.

  3. I agree with Nitmos. You're going to bring down the wrath of the crazies on yourself if you're not careful.

    You may want to start wearing an aluminum (aluminium?) foil hat on your head just to be safe.

  4. Being so sure of yourself, you are probably destined to get sick this weekend

  5. You are seriously tempting fate here. In the same post you mocked your entire family getting sick and threw a jab at L. Ron and the freak crowd. Good luck man, good luck.

  6. I concur - it's been great reading your blog, but your days are seriously numbered. One doesn't poke fun at L. Ron's beyatch.

  7. Yeah, I’m fine with you making makes me chuckle. Sorry about Candis licking your toothbrush----makes you wonder what she does with it when she’s mad at you, since it is in the bathroom……

    On more important matters, can you please tell me how & what site you went to that told you where you'd be at what mile in your race---I think you did it last year????

    I'm trying to have my family at places approx to when I should be running by; BUT I can't find that site.....I thought it was the McMillan site, but I can't find it there.

    You’re my only hope Vanilla & since you have a GRANT, you'll understand that my PARKER will not just sit & wait forever for me to come by......he has better things to do, like yell at his dad that I'm taking too long (which id only funny if I get to witness it)!


  8. @311 - I just answered on your blog, twice! But on the off chance that anyone else was waiting for my response and so it doesn't look like I just ignored you I used pace bands to calculate what my splits should be. You can find a good one right here.

  9. Don't knock Scientology, it's 100% factual, here is the story of Xenu.

  10. Ahhhh, you're perfect!!! Thanks!!!

    I love a quick, efficient guy!!!

  11. Dude, you are ballsy messing with Karma in this manner!

  12. I hope your family gets well and you stay that way. Now, what would happen if both you and Viper were to break the other's pr? Would that lead to some type of nexus rip and lead to a giant marshmallow man attack?

    Also, I'm a new runner/blogger (runner for long time, blogger for a short while) and I'd like to add your blog to my list, if you don't object.


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