Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Half-Fast Sighting

Thanks to the ever-alert (and apparently ever-camera-toting) reader joyRuN who e-mailed me the pictures you see below. Says she:
Your poor boat is looking neglected. I spotted it during a 5-mile route that I rarely take, so I hadn’t noticed it before. I looked around & couldn’t find I & II.

There’s something decidedly redneck about the manner in which that boat is being stored, perhaps it’s the rusted trailer or the weeds growing up the side or the fact that it looks like it’s just parked in someone’s unkempt backyard. Come to think of it there was something decidedly redneck about the last Half-Fast sighting too, the fact that it was on the infield at a NASCAR event. I’m starting to wonder if the term Half-Fast might have some redneck connotations y’all.

This means that we’ve now had Half-Fast sightings by land (the bus) and by sea (the boat), although I’m not sure I’d trust that boat to remain afloat for any significant length of time. What we need next is a sighting by air. I’d like to think that there’s a sleek private jet out there somewhere named Half-Fast with all of life’s luxuries built in, a pilot to take you wherever you want to go as long as it’s someplace warm and a sexy flight attendant to bring you drinks from the well stocked onboard bar. Unfortunately, if anyone finds the Half-Fast airplane it will probably look more like this, but huge bonus points will be awarded to anyone that finds it.

On a running note, since this is intended to be a running blog, we went back to the track again yesterday and I ran a set of intervals from hell. The FIRST plan called for the following intervals: 1200m, 1000m, 800m, 600m, 400m, 200m with rest intervals of 200m separating them. 200m rest intervals? I thought I was supposed to get a full lap for my rest interval? When I first saw this on the schedule I didn’t think it would be too bad because each consecutive interval was shorter than the last. What makes it a little tougher is that each interval is supposed to be run at a faster pace than the previous one, meaning that I was supposed to be getting faster and faster despite the fact that I was getting fatigued-er and fatigued-er. (If it’s not a word it should be.) If my wife and kids weren’t there watching me I might have just quit after the first two intervals, but I guess that’s just one more reason not to have a wife and kids.

Thanks again to joyRuN for the awesome Half-Fast boat pictures.


  1. I always tip toed during the 200m RIs. Yeah, totally milked them for every single inch HAHAHA

  2. Just add a zero to your rest intervals. Problem solved!

  3. The ultimate half-fast signage would be found on a walker tricked out with painted flames and a banana bike bell.

  4. This is soooo freaking weird! I was at the store today, in the frozen food section, and in the case there they had all kinds of ice cream.

    But that's not the weird part.

    One of the ice cream containers said right on it - and I'm NOT making this up - "Vanilla".

    The spelling was exactly the same and EVERYTHING! I had my camera phone, but I was so freaked out that I just ran out of there, half-fast, and stood outside and breathed into a paper bag.

    Well, not so much "breathed into" as "drank out of". And not so much the "paper bag" as what was in it: a bottle of flavored vodka.

    Flavor: VANILLA!

    I am TOTALLY freaked right now, dude! Someone talk me down! I was warned about the brown acid, but did I listen ...?

  5. I can't remember the last time i was even on the track so kudos to you for even doing that much.

  6. If a jet is named "Half Fast" it's not really a jet is it. Perhaps Orville and Wilbur can help you out.

  7. What became of "Half-Fast I" and "Half-Fast II"???

  8. I think we might have more luck looking for hot air balloons...200 meter rest intervals? I don't think that makes up for only having to run 3x a week.

  9. Yes, as vava points out, this is the 3rd generation of this point and the best so far. And why doesn't it surprise me that something in a state of disrepair and surrounded by weeds is referencing this web site?

  10. Unfortunately for the comparative form of "fatigue" you have to add the modifier "more." But your version is good-er, fo sho.

  11. I hope the decay and neglect aren't symbolic of Half Fast 1

  12. The "half-fast" sighting is too funny.

  13. Perhaps you could avoid such embarrassing coincidences by renaming you blog "Doubley-Slow?"
    It even uses a creative word in the vein of fatiguer.

  14. maybe you would have the private jet if you didn't have the wife and kids- too late. could we barter the kids? I'd really like a sexy flight attendant to hand me a drink and take me to someplace warm.

    ...and before you say it, Arizona in January DOES NOT count.


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