Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A New Toy

If you take the time to read the ramblings that I post with my personal running log, then you’ll remember that I recently said I wasn’t interested in receiving cheap products to review on my blog, and encouraged marketers to send me high dollar items. Finally, someone paid attention and sent me a new toy. Many thanks to Greg, who is working with Tech4o (visit them at, for sending me the Accelerator Trail Runner watch to review (pictured right).

My understanding is that this watch is a pedometer, using an accelerometer to count your footsteps. I’m reserving judgment on it right now because I want to properly calibrate it and test it before I jump to any conclusions. However, I will say that it is a nice looking watch, by which I mean it is immeasurably smaller and lighter than my Garmin and can be used as an everyday watch. As you are probably well aware by now, I’m all about looking good when I run and while I enjoy the data that my Garmin 205 provides it is a bit of an eyesore. I think it was Kristina who compared it to a circa 1980 Casio calculator watch, a comparison that countless others have probably also made and one that I now think of every time I wear the Garmin. Thanks a lot Kristina!

I’m looking forward to testing the Tech4o watch and will update you all with my findings in the near future. In the meantime please enjoy the following video of my son emulating me dancing to Vanilla Ice while wearing a gorilla suit, or at least while wearing the gorilla head. Young kids are so impressionable when it comes to stuff like this, which is just one of the reasons why I really shouldn’t have been allowed to have kids.


  1. Oooooo I'm excited for this report. If you say it's better than Garmin I'll know you're a liar :P

  2. Your son's 23 seconds put your 3:48 dance pace to shame.

    I can't wait to read about more expensive running gear that I'll never buy.

  3. Those are some SMOOOOOOVE MOOOOOVES on display right there!

    Your son is number 5, now, on my list of Top 10 Favorite Nonhuman Primate Runners/Dancers. Four notches above you.

    Sorry. Calls 'em as I sees 'em.

  4. Your son is an awesome dancing gorilla. Way better than you. Retire now before you embarrass yourself any further.

  5. You have quite the little gorilla dancer there. Definitely puts you to shame. I'll be interested to hear your report, 'cause yeah, the old Garmins are huge!

  6. I love that you, a grown man (I think) were clearly entertained by being a dancing gorilla for so much longer than your son. I'm guessing you also play with his toys while he balances your checkbook?

    As for the watch, I'll be interested to see how accurate it is...

  7. Awesome. He's going to love that when he grows up.

    Excellent free stuff score too.

  8. Oohh I can't wait to see how you like that watch!! We are all waiting. :>)

  9. You and your wonderful toys! I like this tidbit from their website:
    "Measures with 95% accuracy, bettering performance of pendulum-style pedometers"
    That means if you run a marathon it could be off by as much as 1.31 miles, that's quite a bit.

    I'm willing to bet that I could accurately guess how many miles that I have ran, just by knowing my total time elapsed within 5% accuracy.

  10. i hope you hate the watch, then send it to me.

  11. Since you quoted me, does this mean that I get to try the watch next? I'll watch the mail...

  12. I like how he basically just ran in place for about 30 seconds. So cute.

  13. I'm with Marcy - the report will be dubbed bogus should it state that this monstrosity is better than Garmin... It's nice to get free gear though! Also, you've got a wicked dancer for a child there.

  14. How great of your son to rock out to vanilla ice!!!

  15. I think style should come before the actual running also. Don't let anyone tell you different.

    Curious to see how accurate it is.

  16. The ape doesn't fall far from the tree?


    That was adorable (the dance, not the watch...although the watch is cute, too...)

  17. His legs flail around as if independent from his body!

  18. Oh my adorable are those two kids??? You need to save that video and show it at his wedding! The whole family could surprise him with gorilla masks and do a dance.

    I have a forerunner on it's way and I can't even run. Blah.


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