Monday, June 22, 2009

Site News

Those of you that actually visit Half-Fast, as opposed to the lazy ones who just view the feed on their reader (totally how I read most of your blogs by the way), may notice some changes. Or you may not, depending on how observant you are, which I would guesstimate to be somewhere between ‘not very’ and ‘huh?’ based on you returning here seemingly oblivious to my continual insults. Anyway, since you are no doubt confused and your head is spinning from having read multi-clause sentences that included parentheticals, I’ll explain. The banner image is different, which is nice because it no longer features a stolen part of someone else’s copyrighted image. Now I can put it on t-shirts and market it without being fearful of a lawsuit and you can all buy the shirts to show your subservience love of this fine site that occasionally, but lovingly, mocks your total ineptitude and complete lack of anything resembling common sense. Emphasis on the word lovingly.

I’ve also made some other changes around here. I tried to make it a little cleaner, to simplify the look a little so that your raisin-sized brains don’t get so easily confused. There are a whole multitude of little changes that you probably won’t even notice, for example I changed the font, I removed a lot of grey (because it was depressing), I changed some borders, and most notably I’ve stopped hiding my contempt for you saps.

If you notice any glitches or errors then please feel free to let me know about them in the comments, but make sure that it’s actually a glitch and not something that you’re doing wrong because that seems much more likely doesn’t it? I mean, I was already wrong once this month so the odds are against it happening again.

P.S. Please come back again tomorrow.


  1. Banner image is of the red X variety, but I am sure it is just me though...

  2. Thankfully you have cleared up what your blog is actually about and I can delete it from my RSS Feed.

    Also I do not perceive the silhouette to be a "half-fast" runner, therefore not only do you insult me your witicisms (?), but you are lying to me as well. Perhaps I shall not delete your RSS Feed after all.

  3. Nice, I like it.

    I usually just read from my reader unless I have something to really comment about. You probably could have guessed that

  4. Jamoosh has a point. Shouldn't that runner be slumped over and obviously breathing heavily?

  5. Looks soopa fly. Some day people will see my new design (sigh)...

  6. Looks very nice: clean and simple.

  7. But where can I go if I wanted to buy a reflective jogging vest? Or a Road ID bracelet?

  8. Unless you have some obnoxious design background that take 92387 minutes to load, I rarely notice blog layouts.

  9. Nice and clean. Like your reflection header.
    I would change the bg color of your buttons - a little hard to read the text. (On my screen anyways.)

  10. It's still half-fast in my opinion.....


  11. At least the shadow should be slumped over grabing knees or even passed out. Even better shouldn't Candis just standing over the your near lifeless silhouette telling you to hand over your man-card. Again.

  12. Lucky for you, you lured me away from google reader, just to see the new banner. You should do that more often, so folks will actually visit your site. ;)

  13. Nice work! Love the new header and clean look

  14. Simple is as simple does.

    Cleaner, and easier on the eye. The runner looks a bit like Usain Bolt.


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