Monday, January 14, 2008

Announcing the Shave Your 5K Challenge

I’ve stated previously that my goal is to get faster this year, and I’ve read countless other blogs where many of you have stated the same thing. With that in mind, I’m announcing the Shave Your 5K Challenge. Here’s how it will work: You’ll enter a 5K race sometime before March 31st ‘08 and you’ll e-mail me your official time, this will be your “stubble time” (i.e. un-shaven time). I’ll keep track of everyone’s times and then we’ll all run 5K’s again at the end of the year which will give you your “smooth time” (i.e. freshly shaved time). Whoever shows the greatest difference between their stubble time and their smooth time is the winner. Before you go getting any brilliant ideas let me clarify that to state the greatest difference in a negative direction wins, loopholers.

Everyone who posts a better time at year-end will be subject to my superfluously lavish praise while anyone who posts a worse time at year-end will have to suffer my stinging wit and sarcasm. But best of all, everyone who supplies me with their blog address will get a link when I post the results, and I know you all want a little link love. It’s what we bloggers crave more than air itself.

Qualifying months for running your stubble time will be from December ‘07 through March ‘08, so you may have already run a race that qualifies you for the Shave Your 5K Challenge. Qualifying months for running your smooth time will be November ‘08 through December ‘08 which means that this challenge will last for the entire year, or longer than 70% of Pam Anderson’s marriages.

Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers in two categories: Highest Percentage of Time Shaved, and Most Actual Seconds Shaved. If we have a lot of entrants prizes may also be awarded for 2nd and 3rd place. Real prizes like a “Shave Your 5K” technical running shirt or other highly coveted running booty.

All I ask in return is for some help publicizing the event, so if you plan on entering and you have a blog then please mention it - feel free to steal the graphic from this post.

The real beauty of this event is that it should be easier for newer (or slower) runners to shave minutes off their 5K time than for someone who’s running 18 minute 5Ks, while it will be easier for the 18 minute 5K’ers to shear off percentage points. At least I think that makes sense. Also, you were probably already planning on running 5Ks during the qualifying months so you can enter this event without having to run any additional miles. BRILLIANT!

Official Terms and Conditions
Let me know in the comments if you plan on participating so that I can have an idea of the number of participants that we’ll have. I’ll also start a group over at the Runner’s Lounge to clarify any issues and for general discussion (SY5K Runner's Lounge Group). To enter you must e-mail me your name (or online identity), your 5K time, the name and date of the race.

If you run multiple 5Ks between December ‘07 and March ‘08 then you MUST submit your best time for your stubble time. If you run multiple 5Ks between November ‘08 and December ‘08 you may use your best time as your smooth time. If you’ve already run a 5K this month or in December, you can e-mail me your entry today. Just be sure to update me if you run a faster one before the end of March.

Your 5Ks must be completed as part of an official race and you must use the official time that the race issues. If possible you should provide me with proof of your time.

NO CHEATING. You’re only cheating yourself everyone else who participates, so don’t do it. Cheaters will be persecuted, yes persecuted. I will be checking everyone’s race times, and will be comparing them to your posted training times and any other races you run, I reserve the right to disqualify anyone who submits a stubble time that I feel is significantly slower than it should be. I also reserve the right to disqualify anyone who runs their 5K wearing Nebraska red or Yankee pinstripes. You know who you are.

If you need me to make an exception to these rules and you feel that you have a valid reason, then please e-mail me, I’m a reasonable guy. Reasonably handsome that is.

Update: See the Shave Your 5K Ammendment.


  1. Great idea. I especially like the logo.

    I don't know how much I'll be able to 'shave' this year, but I'm in!

  2. Great idea!! I'm in for sure. I'll post about it on my blog today. Renae

  3. If my leg ever gets better so I can run, I am so in. I'll post about it when that happens and I pick my stubble 5k.

  4. Great concept. I'm probably in, and will decide soon enough -- is your email on your page here somewhere abouts?

  5. Creepy hairy patch on your logo. ha ha.

    I think I'm not in. It just sounds like a lot of work. And I'm lazy.

  6. Is this one of those...employees and their families of Half-Fast are not eligible? "You're the fastest runner but you're not allowed to win"

  7. btw... in no challenge am I the fastest runner. I'm not event the fastest runner in my house! maybe not even 2nd!

  8. I am SO in. I need to get faster. And I will help you hunt down anyone in Yankee pinstripes.

  9. Dude, I'm so in!!

    I may actually be able to be in the top 10!!!

    I"ll have to find a 5K. . . probably in March, since I'm in MIchigan, I'm thinking there won't be any until then. . .& it works out because my first 12/ marathon is April 12.

    And my next one will be in Sept/Oct. . . . . SO, I'll be good to go for Nov!!!!

    I'm sooo excited & on a seperate note, I'm totally buying my 3 yr old a Mr. Potatoe head on my way home. lol

  10. Sounds intriguing. I'm wondering, though, if the qualifying months might be extended for runners like myself who live in small communities where local 5K's are hard to come by... especially during winter (which lasts six months in these parts). I suppose I could run a "virtual" 5K, but I'm sure I'd get results I'd be prouder to report by running real races. Could the qualifying months for the stubble time be anytime between January and June while the qualifying months for the shaven time be anytime between July and December? Might also help those of us whose focus is on marathons to have more time to fit in the 5K races without disrupting our training.

    Just a thought!

  11. I'm in - but I may be running as fast as I can already!
    What an explicit logo - love it!
    PS. Life pondering question, "Why do girls have to shave their legs and guys don't?"

  12. That is a great idea!
    I am in. I have a 5K in a couple weeks so it will work. I hope to use that new runners sharp edge to my advantage. LOL!

  13. I'm in. I don't know how much I'll "shave" off my time, but its worth a try!

  14. I'll be in it - I will be running unshaven in the national Masters championships on Easter Sunday - if I can improve on that in December, and I will have turned 60 by then, it will be a miracle and deserving of a prize.

  15. Right so, I'm in. Although I think I'm running as fast as I can at the moment so come December I'll either be left with a beard or designer stubble...

  16. Alright, I'm in. Now to find a race before the end of March.

    Uh, and then find a way to run it at a pace slow enough to guarantee success, yet fast enough so that it isn't too damn embarrassing. And then find some way to train and run fast enough to hit that pace.

    Game on!

  17. Super great idea! The best reason it is great because I couldn't possbily be any slower right now - I only have room to improve.

    I just need to find "official" 5K's...

    Will you start a thread in the group so people can drop their start times in the group too and maybe their goals - I am really interested to see where everyone is starting.

  18. geeze, who knew there was so much to say about a 5k? We even have to have an entire discussion lounge thing-y about it??!!

    I already ran my best time, dude!! jan. 1, 08. I'll be too tired by december to beat it.

    But of course I'm in. I am SO in.

  19. and jon is already cheating! :)

  20. I'm thinking about it, great idea though

  21. SWWEEETTTT idea Vanilla!! Dang, and I was totally thinking about wearing a full Yankee getup at my next 5K complete with catcher's mask and jockstrap :P

  22. Ok, I am interested. Thing is, most of the official races we have are 8Ks..not 5Ks. I am going to check out the local races to see whats planned and then let you know. Until then, I am gonna help you promote!

  23. Awesome idea - I'm totally in. First race is this Sunday.

  24. I'm in... Already got a stubble time too.

  25. I am so in, I will send you my 5K time from the AZ RNR 1/2 marathon.

  26. I'm in too! I already have an abysmal stubble time from a Ho-Ho 5k in December.

  27. Just found your blog and this sounds like a great idea. If I can find a stubble race, I'm in!

  28. I love the idea! Count me in, too!
    I'll e-mail the info later!

    Sent her by Pat.

  29. I am SOOOO in! I ran a 5K on the 30th of December... it was awful but I am going to use it because I don't think there is another 5K in this "tundra" until after April! I will be ready to beat that come Turkey Trot Day!

  30. I'm a fairly new reader, but I am totally in for this. Here in Houston, we have 5K's year round. I'll be sure to post it on my blog too!

    BTW Asics Rock!

  31. If I can find the 5ks to run I am in! I will let you know pretty quickly! Great idea!

  32. I'll start looking for a 5k so that I can join in. Thanks!

  33. What are some other ways I can spread your challenge?

  34. Only because I like the 5000 metres... and to beat spodiechoff.

    I'll enter in March - might get a negative direction result in November as the weather is a tad hot then.

  35. I found my 5K so I am in! Thanks!!

  36. I'm in....just need to find a 5K! I will look tonight (or during my lunch break)

  37. Great idea! I've got a couple of 5k races planned before the end of March already. Count me in. :-)

  38. Why would you DQ Yankee stripes and not Texas stars? I could understand about Bugeaters Red. And you don't have to worry about Buff silver & gold since those colors don't look good together so nobody wears them.

  39. Already linked to this on my blog - I am SO in! Superbowl 5K on 2/2 will be my stubble time. Man not just stubble but like 10 days a growth time. it has been a while since I ran seriously!

  40. All right I'm in. Past performance is no indicator of future success right? So I can start with a clean slate for my first 5K without being considered a sand bagger... :D

  41. I got to you from Viv's site. I'm in. I'll link you in my next post!

  42. i am new to running this year, so i am in for sure! i will get the bf to join too. we are running our first 5k march 15.. waahoo!! we are building to a marathon on september 20.. eep!!

    all of you participating, please feel free to check out my blog!

  43. I am in. What a great idea. I'll be sure to link to this contest and your Web site.

  44. Count me in! This sounds fun! I am running a 5K on March 7.

  45. Ha! What a fun idea! Wish I'd found it earlier in the year! :)Good luck to everyone participating!


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