Thursday, January 10, 2008

Katie Holmes not running Boston Marathon

If you’re like me, you probably saw that headline and thought “well of course Katie Holmes isn’t running the Boston Marathon, she didn’t post a good enough time to qualify.” That didn’t stop all kinds of reports from circulating this morning claiming that she had registered for the Boston Marathon.

As you may remember from this post Katie finished the NYC Marathon in 5:29:58 which is within spitting distance of qualifying for the Boston Marathon... if you’re a camel and spitting off the side of the Grand Canyon. However it is not that unusual for exemptions to be made by the Boston Marathon to allow non-qualifiers to run in the race, and if you think for one second that they weren’t going to make an exemption for the hot chick that ran NYC without a bra, then you’re kidding yourself.

Is it fair that someone famous gets an exemption just for being famous while a handsome blogger has to earn his way in? Probably not, but it’s not my place to complain. Some may point out that it isn’t fair that I was blessed with a rapier wit, devastating charm and a beautiful family, to which I respond with “yuh-huh!”

It really doesn’t matter whether it’s fair or not because Katie’s rep came out this morning and stated that she’s not going to run the Boston Marathon because her controlling, super-freak of a husband won’t allow it. (I might have made up that last part but it sounded good, and plausible too.)

How is it that this non-news was worthy of a post here at Half-Fast? Quite simply it was just another excuse to post a picture of Katie Holmes. Perhaps tomorrow I will report that Eva Mendes and Jessica Alba are not running the Boston Marathon just so I can post pictures of them too. You see what I did there?

Source - I feel so ashamed that I just used People magazine for a source.


  1. I too will not be running in Boston, but you can't post my picture it would leave too many people drooling.

  2. I am not running Boston, and will probably never, unless they make an exception for me. I am looking forward to reading about Eva.

  3. Just posted about Katie myself . . . I wasn't sure if the rumors were true about her running Boston.

    How about your throw in some pics of Matthew McConaughey for all the ladies? We'd love to hear about how he is NOT running Boston!

  4. Nah you might want to pas on Alba nowadays. Pregnancy has made her look rough :-X Eva is a good one though. That B is hot!

  5. Don't be ashamed...I love People, too!

  6. 1) Thanks for the Katie picture. Freak husband or not, it's nice to start off my day with that.

    2) It's not a TRUE Half Fast post without a phlemgy dromedary analogy, is it?

  7. So true, some day Boston will realize how truly beautiful I am and overlook that I missed qualifying by a mere 26 min.

  8. One advantage that famous people have that average people don't is that they bring media attention and money with them to the race. I have no problem with people receiving exemptions, especially if they are raising money for the race charities and bringing attention to the event from mainstream media and non-runners.

  9. See, I don't really think Katie is anything special. Maybe she just bugs me because she talks out of the side of her mouth and she reminds me of a stroke victim, but I could really care less if she ran or didn't run Boston. We all know she didn't qualify for the corral she got in NYC, so it would be no surprise if she received a special pass to Boston. It would just be embarassing for her to be the last one left on the course.

  10. Camel spitting aside, I liked the part about the 'controlling, super-freak of a husband' the best! :-)

  11. I also hear that Jessica Biel will be running Boston this year.

  12. She doesn't bug me like her husband does. I'm jealous of the bra-less look, for one, that she finished a marathon, for two, and that she is apparently a saint with the patience of Job for putting up with that freak.

    :D whew! got that off my chest anyway.

  13. I just want to state for the record that Katie and I have the EXACT SAME MARATHON times.

    Me and Katie? BFF.


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