Wednesday, July 30, 2008


[by Candis]

It hurts, it actually hurts. I don’t think I can do this. I have had to do horrible, unimaginable things for 5 whole days now. I don’t want to hear I told you so. I had to... I had to... I had to write my training sessions down on a piece of paper! That aggravation which is Windows Vista has struck again and for two weeks they expect me to be without my computer!

Did you know that runners used to just keep spirals full of pages and pages of their runs. No auto-generated calendars. No motivating graphs. No Google maps. If I want to remember how I did, I have to page back through my high schoolesque trapper keeper and remember.

I have this fantastic running toy that tracks my pace, elevation, and distance but I can’t download it anywhere! Ever heard a Garmin cry? They are made to analyze. Made to tell me every little detail about my run. They comfort, “Oh honey, it was a slow run because it was 93 degrees out.” “Really, who can be expected to run intervals in the wind.” Your Garmin will even stroke your ego, “Wow, you are getting so fast, look at that hill you obliterated!” even “Don’t worry, you own that race!” Now I just stare into it’s gray, listless eyes and it tells me how unfulfilled it is. “Don’t worry, we’ll fight through it. Let’s run anyway.”

For those of you who are wondering how I posted this without a computer... First of all, I’ll thank you all to just mind your own business. And second of all... telegram STOP


  1. It sucks. When she needs to send an e-mail she calls me at work and dictates it to me.

  2. Ouch. It sounds like Vista has ruined another person's day. This post actually made me want to buy one of those GPS systems, except I've never been able to keep a normal watch for more than a few weeks.

  3. I need to upgrade to Vista by the end of August. I'm dreading it and putting it off as long as possible.

    Also, does the 405 tell the temperature or just the 305? I haven't found that feature yet. More and more I'm starting to think the 405 is a piece of crap and that I should try to return it and switch.

  4. Laura: I don't think they tell the temperature, but when you download the data to a program like MotionBased it determines the temperature and windspeed for the location and time of your run, presumably by gathering that info from a weather database.

  5. LMAO at the tag!

    Dude, I'm still kickin' it old school. I chisel my times into a rock. At least I can consider it cross training. :)

  6. Oh, hi, welcome back to the Stone Age.

  7. I didnt even know they made pens and paper any more. How antique

  8. My Garmin hates me, so it makes me cry. Maybe it saw the photo of me giving it the finger.

  9. Yikes - quick buy another system. After a few shots of tequila!

  10. This is why those movies where technology dies or turns on us are SO SCARY!! Seriously, what would you do if you couldn't text or facebook people???? My social life would be over.

  11. you so funny.

    me? if my sidekick broke? Id weep openly and for a longasstime.

  12. Hmmm, I was wondering how you were writing the post. You obviously weren't doing this at work. You must have asked to use a friends computer?

    I would totally be depressed if I had to turn over my computer for a couple weeks... blech.

  13. SportTracks by Zone 5 Software...

    And, of course, the USB drivers from Garmin...


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