Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Balance

The maniacal overlords that provide me with a paycheck in exchange for looking busy and surfing the internet all day are actually making me work on work-related things this week so this will be a short post. I saw this New Balance commercial this morning while I was getting ready for work and I hadn’t seen it before. Either it’s a new commercial, or I somehow missed it when everyone was posting these videos to their blogs a couple of months ago. I even posted one. I hope that it wasn’t this one because that would make me look really stupid.

Yeah, Running has a hot friend called Victory but she’s also got some ugly friends that she insists on bringing on our dates. You may have heard of them: Black Toenail, Body Odor, Skipping Happy Hour and Overuse Injury. They’re a total drag and I don’t know why Running likes them so much. As for Victory, she’s hot and all but she’s totally stuck up. She doesn’t laugh at my jokes and I know that she’s been trying to get running to break up with me for a while now.


  1. Victory blocked my calls and slapped me with a restraining order. She totally deserves to get punched in the babymaker.

  2. Victory told me not to even bother calling

  3. Victory told me I'm not her type.

  4. Hahaha... Hot friend called Victory. What-ev. I love these NB commercials but hate running in their shoes... their just not my thing!

  5. I love their ad campaign!! Good stuff. Even though I'm a Nike man...

  6. LOL at the "evil overlords" you work for. It must be tough being a minion of the man.

  7. At least running has a nice personality.

  8. Running and Victory are just dirty whores that sleep around.

    ...But I still go back to them every time.

  9. I always seem to get stuck dancing with Cramping. It's always her time of month too.

  10. Victory is a snooty bitch. I hear she has multiple STDs too. Just FYI.

    @Viper--Nice to see those court-ordered anger management classes are working out for you.

  11. You forgot her other ugly friend, Chaffing.

    Man, she's a BITCH.


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