Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Personal Running Log - June 2008

Well here it is, my highly anticipated June running log. I like to push somewhere around 80 miles of pavement a month, and while this certainly isn’t close to 80 it was saved from being completely humiliating by a few late month runs and my dedication to the sport. Looking back on it I was quite proud of the 6 mile tempo run on the 23rd because it was done at an 8:27 pace, but a more in depth look at the MotionBased data from my Garmin divulged that there was in fact a strong tailwind which means that it doesn’t count.

After the reminder that we were all given by Tyson Gay’s wasted efforts I suggest that you all go back and check your various PRs to see if they are actually eligible to count as a record. Those of you living in windy places like Kansas or Chicago are probably in for a rude awakening.

Anyway, here is my June running log in all it’s glory. My intended pace’s have changed since the last time I posted them (see here), but I suppose that’s the downside of running a PR. I usually base my training pace off my most recent race time, so my latest 10K PR has really cranked down the intended paces on my training runs, to the extent that I’m not always hitting my intended pace right now. I guess that’s what makes us faster, right? Right? Again, it’s difficult to judge my pace from the table below because it includes a warm up and cool down mile but my goal pace is as follows: Long runs - 8:55 pace, tempo runs - 8:25 pace, intervals - 1600s @ 7:50 pace, 800s @ 7:35 pace and 400s @ 7:25 pace.

6/30/20085 Miles Out & BackIntervals (3x1600)5 Mi43:528:47
6/29/20086 Mile Loop Long HillLong6 Mi53:308:55
6/25/2008Liberty Park (SLC)Tempo5 Mi44:458:57
6/23/20086 Mile Loop Long HillTempo6 Mi50:418:27
6/21/20087 Miles Out & BackLong (w/Candis)7 Mi1:15:0010:43
6/15/20086 Mile Loop Long HillEasy6 Mi56:289:25
6/9/20085 Miles Out & BackEasy5 Mi45:489:10
6/7/20089 Mile LoopLong9 Mi1:23:549:20
6/2/20084 Miles Out & BackIntervals (4x400)4 Mi36:549:14
Distance: 53.0 miles
Total Time: 8:10:52


  1. My high school art teacher used to call slackers (me) half-steppers. He called them tea-baggers too (because they only work when they get in hot water), but that term has since taken on a different connotation.

    On a related note: If you'd have run one more mile, you would have run half my June distance. You lazy-ass slacker.

  2. Lookin good in the hood, Vanilla!

  3. lmao. I really want to say "you've been chicked" but that would be quite rude :-P.

    You're one speedy teabag.

  4. Finally I can sleep at night.

    I wonder if natural propulsion through your own flatulence is enough to disqualify a PR? Or does it have to be strictly external winds?

  5. Although you kick my ass with pace hands down, I still managed to get in 4 more miles that you did for June. You should be feeling a little bit of shame right about now.

  6. Man... everyone decided to point out how much of a slacker you are in comparison to themself... I would never point out that I ran 33 miles more than you last month.

  7. Those are some good miles and times!

  8. I guess 5 is the new 3. Crap. I suck.

  9. Poor 'Nilla. Everyone is ripping on you. To make you feel better, my June mileage topped out at 29 miles.


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