Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hey! Where the hell is my afternoon thunderstorm?

I don’t usually like to make snap judgments about people that I don’t know but I think it’s pretty safe to say that the local TV weather girl is a lying whore! A couple of days ago she told me, nay, promised me that we were going to get some afternoon thunderstorms. Based on this information I decided to sleep in and go run after work because I wasn’t worried about it being sunny and 90+ degrees when I got home. Well apparently I forgot to take into account that our local weather girl is a compulsive liar who gets her rocks off by duping handsome bloggers into running in the extreme heat of the day. Well played madam, but I’ll have you know that I’m not that easily duped nor am I that committed to running that I would be foolish enough to run in such conditions. ‘I’ll show her,’ I thought to myself and instead I went down into the basement and ran on the treadmill. It was as boring as watching the weather channel, (Oooh burn! Chalk one up for Vanilla!) but it was worth it to avoid the heat.

One run on the treadmill is bearable, especially considering that it put me 1 - 0 up on the weather girl. Two runs on the treadmill in a week crosses the line from bearable to irritating and three treadmilling sessions in a week would trigger a DEFCON 2 level emergency in which all sharp objects must be placed out of my reach and the shoelaces are removed from all my shoes, thus preventing me from having four treadmill runs in a week which would cause the universe to collapse on itself. I don’t want any of you to worry but last night Candis forced me to run on the treadmill for the second day in a row, putting me into the irritating category (shut up, you know what I mean).

I had planned on running outside last night, but was informed when I arrived home that Candis had a meeting she needed to go to and I had to stay home and watch our two boys. I started to protest that she couldn’t just spring these things on me at the last minute but then she did that thing that women like to do where they say “Don’t you remember? We talked about this a couple of days ago,” when clearly we did not have any such conversation and even if we did, I’m really supposed to remember conversations from a couple of days ago? If the conversation did take place, and I’m not admitting that it did, she probably tricked me by talking to me while I was in the middle of trying to do something else like watching TV or sleeping or breathing. Of course there’s no point in me trying to argue this because then it just makes it look like I don’t pay attention to her which somehow equates to not loving her in the female mind. It’s easier and much less energy to just say that I do remember the conversation (which never existed) so I can get back to watching Ice Road Truckers uninterrupted. Incidentally, I need to share with you sometime how Candis came to have a meeting last night because it’s hilarious, not to mention a little humiliating for her.

Anyway, that’s the (longwinded) story of how I came to have two treadmill runs in a row and the reason that I’ll be running outside tonight when I get home... or simply not running at all (hmmm... tempting). It’s supposed to be hot and sunny again tonight, at least that’s what the weather girl says, but I can’t possibly torture myself on the treadmill for another day.


  1. Wouldn't running on a treadmill be easier with a Maragarita!?

  2. Your weather girl suck shiz.
    That's all.

  3. Local weather girl gets her rocks off?!

    A closer examiniation of this weather 'girl' might be in order...

  4. Did she also forecast that it's raining men? That would really up her lying whore ante.

  5. It's July. You can take rest days now. Take advantage.

  6. Wouldn't it be easier if the weather people just came on the TV and simply said "Today there will be weather" cause here in NJ they are ALWAYS wrong. I usually plan on the opposite of whatever they say!

  7. Was it Kathy Sabine on Channel 9? That whore always lies.

  8. I'm sorry, but I can't take a Denverite seriously when he or she says it's "hot" there. Granted, I'm sure it may be in like the 80s, but I'm guessing the humidity is no more than 25% and the dew point can NOT be more than 40F.

    With that temp and low humidity, here in FL, we call that "January."

    I think you could suck it up and get out there to run in that "heat."

  9. for the record... it was facebook poker & UFC and I'm sure you hang on every word that drips out of my mouth dear.

    I'm glad my humiliation will provide material for your blog- it's what I'm here for.

  10. She is a douchebag cyclist probably.

    I say the don't you remember line to my husband all the time and it works like a charm!

  11. "Ice Road Truckers", yeah, right. Those "Lipstick Jungle" DVD's finally came didn't they?

  12. I ran last week in Denver in the "heat of the day", and no joke, another runner girl from Nebraska asked me if I was just starting or just stopping. That's just how little you people sweat in that state.

  13. suck it up and get your butt outside. (don't worry i am a female and you won't remember me telling you this later. good thing it's written down right?)

  14. Oooh two training runs in a row?!? And another run tonight? Someone is back on the streak run bandwagon! Woot! OR!!! Maybe you never left? Maybe you've kept the streak going and after ten more years of running every day you're going to just emerge from the shadowy concealment to reveal the amazing streak!

    Or maybe sitting is nice.

  15. It's only fitting that an advertisement for a treadmill was at the bottom of your post in my reader.

    I can't believe that you are just now learning that ALL weather people are liars.

  16. It's amazing how you can stretch 2 lousy treadmill runs into one long blog post. I gotta lot to learn.

    And, oh, go run outside, whiny.

  17. Is this the same weather girl whom I fondly call Decky Bitchfield?

    9news just hired her because she's young. Then they made her look like a younger version of Kathy Sabine.

    Neither of whom can accurately predict the weather. Who am I kidding. They don't predict. They report what someone else has predicted. Cuz they have a "pretty" face. Real weather forcasters don't have "pretty" faces.

  18. I have sent thousands of letters and made almost daily phone calls to my local weatherman letting him know the importance of accuracy and just how much he has ruined my life. He has not personally responded, but the restraining order is proof that he is listening. Though I need to find some alternative methods of communication now, I am sure that someday my persistence will have an impcact.

  19. How impressed am I that you squeezed a blog post out of the topic "2 treadmill runs in a row"? Perhaps you need to review some running crap, maybe some nitric oxide pills?

  20. I still haven't tried out a treadmill. It seems like it would be as satisfying as sex with a condom. Better than nothing, but c'mon. Ha!

  21. I don't care what those others say, I will loudly and proudly say that it DOES in-fact get hot here in Denver. Unless the sun isn't out. Or we havea nice breeze. Or one of those nice afternoon rain storms come through. But otherwise, yes, hot! (For the record, I ran miles at 4:00 on Wednesday, temp 91, sunfacto 3009, and sweated like a gorilla in the desert. I think everyone in Wash Park probably sighed in relief when I was done. So what's my point? You're a wimp. Get outside.)

  22. Dude... are you talking about Kathy Sabine? Because if you are, I agree.

  23. Note to self: If ever in Denver don't watch Kathy Sabine.


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