Friday, July 17, 2009

You know what your long run needs?

You know what would make the miles just melt away on your long run this weekend? A hilarious running podcast to listen to, but in the event that you can’t find one you could always listen to the latest episode of Banned on the Run. It’s full of awkward silences that will make you think that your iPod battery has died and will also totally throw off your pace. You don’t have to thank us, we do it for the joy we get out of it.

From your comments on yesterday’s post I gather that no one wants to listen to me whine and complain about running in the heat, and if that’s the case then you’re not going to like what’s coming. I went out yesterday for a 6 miler in the devastating heat (read: 82 degrees with very little humidity) and I was sweating like a pig in a synagogue. It was almost hot enough to make me long for the snow and wind that I complained bitterly about during the winter months. Almost. I managed to stick to a route that is mostly in the shade but it was easily 70 degrees in the shade and that slight breeze in my face wasn’t helping my pace. I tell you guys, it’s hard running here in Colorado in the summer months; I could barely even see the mountains with the glare from the sun in my face! But I struggled through it because I know that some of you look to me for inspiration. So next time you think that you’ve got it rough or that the conditions won’t permit you to run I want you to think back to me running 6 (six!) miles on a shady path, with mountain views and little to no humidity. Perhaps you’ll be able to turn those feelings of envy and hatred into determination and go run in any conditions.


  1. "Sweating like a pig in a synagogue" What a strange analogy. Wouldn't a pig be relatively safe in a synagogue verses say at a NASCAR race? You know because of Southerners and bar-b-ques.

  2. Shameless plug. Have you no soul?

  3. Now I get it - a pig (even if they did sweat) wouldn't sweat much in a synagogue and your weather conditions lead you to not sweating.

    Whew - glad I ciphered that out.

  4. If I could bottle up the humidity here and mail it to you I totally would.

  5. That link activated my firewall for mediocre Web content.

    Have a good weekend!

  6. A pig, a shellfish named Bill and one other non-kosher item - some random meat on a dairy plate, let's say - walk into a synagogue and the pig, who's sweating, sez: "I said 'Cloven feet, Bill' not 'Chosen People'!" And Bill the shellfish answers, "Man, you're sweating like Vanilla on an easy run in a cooly temperate climate!" And then - and this is the kicker - the random meat sez ...


    Because unlike sweaty pigs and shellfish, random meat can't talk.

  7. Seriously? I have a hydrapouch I can send you to test and review. Or perhaps some custom-mixed granola?

  8. I know. I was totally sweating while I was drinking coronas on the patio of 3 Margarita's yesterday!

    insane I tell ya.

  9. Yep it does suck living here what with the cool summer nights and snow capped mountains. Also those margs at the Rio are the worst when you have to sit outside on a Friday afternoon and pour them down your throat. The whole "pig" thing took me a minute, it's still taking me a minute. Maybe it should have been a matzo ball in a synagogue. What you said is like saying "a cow on the streets of India." I'm rambling. Bye. I'll take the hydrapouch if you don't want it. Or the granola.

  10. That's all you got on a Friday? Obviously you are having too much fun lowering customer's interest rates on their CDs and turning their 401Ks into 101Ks...

  11. OK so obviously the pig analogy failed miserably. In India the cow is sacred, to the Jews a pig is an unclean animal so those are actually not the same.

    The expression that often gets used is "sweating like a pig" my thought here was that a pig in a synagogue would be sweating even more because clearly he's nervous about being somewhere he's not supposed to be. Also, I'm pretty sure that Jews don't believe in air conditioning so synagogues are hot.

  12. I *like* hearing you whine and complain . . . isn't that the point?

  13. I hope you get caught in a thunderstorm next week.

  14. I kinda want to teleport you to South Florida right now and have you set out on a run.

  15. I'm agreeing with Jess. Today's weather report says "91 but feels like 102". Luckily I'm stuck in bed after a spinal tap gone horribly wrong and can't run til Tuesday anyway.


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