Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shake What?

As a world renowned and well respected running blogger (and part time sex symbol) I often field questions from readers about workout tips. Mostly I just ignore them as this helps to amplify the idea that I am far too good to be corresponding with common folk, but recently I’ve seen an influx of e-mails asking me how a runner might go about toning their arms so that they match up with their hard, chiseled legs. Since I am in a particularly generous mood this morning I’m going to answer your questions and show you an exercise product, designed for women, that receives the Half-Fast seal of approval. Behold the Shake Weight.

You see that ladies, in just 6 minutes a day you can tone and shape your arms and get me all hot and bothered at the same time. If you can’t afford the $19.95 (+S & H) then I feel certain that your husband/significant other will be able to think of something that you could use in place of the Shake Weight. It might not last for 6 minutes, but 6 times a day is no problem at all. (Hey-yo!)

As always before beginning an exercise regimen with the Shake Weight you should consult your doctor, probably your optician since you could go blind if you over use the Shake Weight! (High Five!) I’m renewing my gym membership based solely on the hope that they are going to add this piece of equipment.

Other jokes that were considered for this post:
Shake Weight is ideal for women who are into looking their absolute best and not looking to get pregnant right now.
Shake Weight will help you tone your arms and get you ready for a lucrative career in porn.
Shake Weight, because practice makes perfect.
When using Shake Weight be sure to use a firm grip, but not too firm.


  1. You just made my day...HILARIOUS!

  2. I just laughed so hard, I cried.

    I can't believe there are people stupid enough to buy this. Actually, I can.

  3. LMFAO
    But between this one and the SNL wii video, I am starting to think that maybe you are a little, uh, deprived lately. Has Candis put you on Freeze Out (Freeze Out: an effective punishment technique for men of all ages!) or something?

  4. Hey, there's a Life TIme Guarantee! Phew, that was my first concern.

  5. O.M.G. That is flipping HIL-A-RIOUS!!!!!!

  6. This is what my lesbian friends and I do to get our fix. I know I'm so funny.

  7. I'm gonna call BS on the effectiveness of this approach because I should have huge arms after 25 years of this exercise...and I don't

  8. Just ordered one.
    Wait. Is that for working out?

  9. I'm a little disappointed. The background music was inappropriate. It really should've been Elvis. ("I'm in love... I'm all shook up!")

  10. wow.

    thank you SO MUCH for that.

  11. Shake Weight small print, "excessive use may cause hairy palms"...

  12. Why do I have the suspicion that this is actually a Japanese designed "toy" (made by Hitachi no doubt) that has been repurposed for unsophisticated American audiences?

  13. LOL! I would love to see the person who seriously bought this thing!

  14. hahahahahaha. I laughed so hard that two drops of pee came out. Ok, maybe three.

    Wait, a porn career can be lucrative? Here I've been doing it for free all this time. Fail.


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