Thursday, April 26, 2007

Site News

Just a couple of housekeeping items. First, I've added some additional links on the right side of this blog, it's not comprehensive by any means and I'm sure that I'll be adding more to it in the future as I discover more blogs.

If you'd like me to consider posting a link to your blog then write a more interesting blog.

Second, I will be leaving on vacation tomorrow and posting may be sporadic at best over the next week. Hopefully I'll be able to log in and update you all about what it's like to run in San Diego (which is where I'm headed), but posting to your blog whilst on vacation might just put me into the super-geek category and I'm not sure that I'm ready to go there just yet. Besides, I really can't guarantee the quality of my writing when I'm sitting by a pool sipping an umbrella clad banana daiquiri pounding Guinness and Jager Bombs.


  1. Have a great holiday- hope you get some good runs. Enjoy your daiquiri and I can cope for a week without being regaled with humorous running tales!

  2. Have a good vacation...and I know what you mean I've posted blog entries loaded before and woke up the next morning running to PC to check what the heck I posted...always entertaining (equally embarrassing)...LOL

  3. Thanks for the visit and comment on my blog :-) Have a great vacation (San Diego is absolutely beautiful!!!) and I look forward to reading more running posts when you get back. I need something to keep me motivated!LOL


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