Sunday, May 11, 2008

10K on the 10th

Nancy hosted another virtual race this weekend and I ended up taking part as a last minute entrant. That’s the great thing about virtual races, you rarely arrive at the race and find out that they’re at capacity and have closed the registration.

I wasn’t really planning on participating in the 10K on the 10th because it seemed like a no-win situation for me. I am running the Bolder Boulder 10K in 2 weeks and if I posted a crappy time on Saturday it could have served to dishearten me and cause me to think that I wasn’t ready for the Bolder Boulder. On the other hand if I posted a great time in the virtual race and then posted a worse time in Boulder in 2 weeks I was going to be seriously pissed. So on Saturday morning I set out to run my scheduled 8 miles (6 tempo miles with a warm up and cool down mile tagged on each end).I ran the 6 tempo miles so well that I tacked on another 0.2 miles at my tempo pace and decided to use that to enter Nancy’s 10K on the 10th. So I technically entered the race with only 0.2 miles left to run. Thanks for being so lenient Nancy, you’re the best race director I know.

Here’s the splits:

Mile 1 - 8:36
Mile 2 - 8:34
Mile 3 - 8:32
Mile 4 - 8:29
Mile 5 - 8:24
Mile 6 - 8:27
0.2 - 1:41

Total Time: 52:43 (8:31 Pace)
That’s a PR by over 3 minutes. Hopefully I can improve upon that in the Bolder Boulder in 2 weeks.


  1. Great time, Vanilla! I know you will smoke it in a couple weeks.

  2. Good run, Vanilla. Looks like a really good Bolder Bolder is in the works.

  3. Dang you got fast all the sudden :P AWESOME RUN! I think I smell a PR at the BB ;-)

    You use FIRST again?

  4. I'm with Marcy: when did you get three-quarters-fast?

  5. That is a great time. Suspiciously so. ;)

  6. Even I have to agree. You've been secretly training hard for this haven't you? Great race. If that's really your race pace, I think you had better warn the rest of Boulder. They might not be ready for a Full-Fast Vanilla!

  7. I'm not sure if you count as a badit for the first 6 miles or not. If you took the water from the aid stations I'm going to be p.o.'ed. I didn't have any when I came through.

    Nice job. I would say you are more 2/3's fast but that's just me.

  8. That's fantastic! And as long as you rest up you'll do great in Boulder. I DNF'd when I ran the 10K on Friday, but came back strong and PR'd in my half marathon yesterday.

  9. He sounds all non-chalant but I know he's been training for this virtual race like a pro. I'm sure it has to do with the titles. 3 minutes is quite a PR. Nice work.

    Thanks for running with us!!

  10. I'm running the Bolder Boulder, too. :) Can't wait!

  11. Great time...I am envious! Good Luck with the Bolder Boulder 10k, I bet you'll do even better!

  12. Nice job... those are some amazing splits! :)

  13. Great run! Especially for a last minute decision to race! Good for you!:)
    You might have to change your name soon!


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