Friday, May 9, 2008

Winner! Winner!

Sorry about that earlier post, I needed some time to put together the video below announcing the winner. I hope that you can all view the video because I’m not posting the name of the winner, at least not in this post, that would be too easy. If you can’t view the video then I suppose you’d better hope that someone who can is nice enough to tell you who the winner is in the comments.

Without further ado, here’s the official drawing.

Congratulations to the winner. If you’re the lucky one who was announced above as the winner then please e-mail me with your name, address and phone number to claim your new bike!

Have a great weekend everyone, and remember that you have until May 11th to enter the “Free Your Y” video challenge at where you could win up to $25,000.


  1. dang. I got jipped. (Is that how you spell jipped?) Anyway....I want video of said winner throwing that old bike off a bridge.

  2. Foiled again.

    Your ballot-chooser is adorable though!

  3. Great video, he did a good job picking a name (except that he picked the wrong one...)

  4. Damn! I thought it said "Kristina" from that distance. Hope I get a pair of running shoes for Mother's Day since I don't got no bike.

  5. Rats! I really wanted to see Stephanie wearing that Vanilla hoo-hoo tee shirt.

    Congrats to Roberto.

  6. lipton should send you a bike for having the most creative announcement of the winner!

    congrats roberto!

  7. Congrats Roberto!! Cool vid Vanilla!!!

  8. Who's Roberto? Sounds like it could be made up. It's not that far of a stretch. I mean Vanilla Ice's real name is Robert. throw in an O to throw us off the scent and you've got the perfect ghost entrant for Vanilla.

    I'm just saying.

  9. Great video. This blog keeps getting more hi tech.
    Congrats Roberto

  10. POOP. I was sure I was going to win. That was really really cool, right up until you said someone elses name.

  11. Loved the video! that was fun to watch, it would have been better had I won, but I will put my tail between my legs and go ride my ..... oh that is right, I don't have a bike! I am borrowing one, so I guess I will be happy someone was nice enough to lend me there's!


  12. If I change my name to Roberto, can I be the winner? I see no other identifying info on that piece of paper so how would you know it wasn't me?

  13. So has Roberto claimed the bike yet. Because if not I'm applying for a name change.

    Great video and super cute name picker!


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