Friday, May 16, 2008

There’s No I in Team

… but there are two in Bonnie Richardson, who has absolutely no use for teammates. Richardson was the only track and field athlete at Rochelle High School to qualify for the State meet, but didn’t let that minor detail get in the way of her winning it all. On Friday Richardson took first in the high jump, second in the long jump and third in the discus, ho-hum. On Saturday she won the 200 meters (25.03 seconds) and took 2nd in the 100 meters earning herself a team score of 42 points which was good enough to win State. It’s an inspirational story, destined to become a Lifetime original movie that I’ll pretend my ever-supportive made me watch.

Bonnie Richardson, pictured above either competing in the long jump or wishing she had read Emergency Procedures: Quicksand.

Richardson is a gifted athlete who also plays tennis and basketball for Rochelle High School (pictured below) while I struggle to tie my laces and wear matching socks. She may have more talent in her big toe than I do in my whole body but I don’t have to convince someone else to buy me beer. Winner? Me.

Source: Chicago Tribune, via WL.


  1. Got any other pics of this chick? I'm trying to see who'd be best to play her part. She kinda looks like Joe from the Fact Of Life. Ehhhh never mind let's just give it to Tara Reid.

  2. There was a girl like her in my high school--really good at every conceivable sport. She was even one of the top skiers in the state. But you couldn't hate her for it, because she was so nice.

  3. I've just been chicked by sports I don't even participate in.

  4. Of course, I meant "in sports.." not "by sports". Sports, as a noun, is general neutral as far as I know.

  5. Yeah, but can she cook?

    Oh, I'm going to catch hell for that ...

  6. Hee hee Viper. Yeah, let's see her in a dress. :D

    That chick is tough.

  7. All I can hear right now is Cartman saying "Kyle, do you have sand in your vagina."

    It's sad when my inner monologue leaks onto the web. brb.

  8. I grew up playing basketball and tennis against Rochelle High School. Richardson is quite an athlete. There was always an athlete like her in our school districts since we were so small, (23 in my graduating class.) At small schools you always make the team and good athletes really stand out since there is not a lot to draw from. You are also expected to play all sports so a team could actually be maintained. I guess Rochelle High as shrunk even smaller since my days.

  9. The ability to buy beer totally wins.


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