Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cross Training, It’s Not For Everyone

For some time now I’ve been using the FIRST plan to prepare for upcoming races and one of the essential elements of the FIRST plan is cross training. Since you only run 3 days a week, you have to do cross training 2 - 3 times a week in order to maintain fitness. After I realized that cross training didn’t mean training while you were angry I quickly learned that I hate cross training the way that A-Rod hates hitting in the postseason. I’ve tried everything to get myself to be more committed to cross training but nothing ever sticks. I tried jumping rope, but I sucked at it. I tried biking, but it made my butt sore. I tried various strength training programs, I tried Wii Fit, I tried spinning, I tried the 100 pushup challenge, I tried lifting weights, I even once tried doing some chores around the house, but just like everything else it didn’t take. I tried just about everything with the exception of Yoga (that post was written by my wife, hosers). I tried sitting there with my thumbs up my butt (maybe that’s why my butt was sore?). I tried Wii Mario Kart, I even tried lounging on the couch watching sports. That one actually took, but it turns out it doesn’t count as cross training. For a second I thought we had a winner.

I’ve finally found something that is going to work and I’m happy to be able to tell you that from now on when I have a cross training day in between running days the thing that I’m going to do is. . . *drumroll please* . . . more running. The FIRST plan actually allows for this, stating that you can “either cross-train or complete easy runs on other days of the week.” I’m not sure why it has never occurred to me in the past to do an easy run on my off days, it’s probably due to all those head injuries. This new form of “cross training” also has the added benefit of increasing my weekly mileage. You may remember (unless you too have a long history of severe concussions) that I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago confessing that I had run 12 miles over a 2 week span. Last week with my new “cross training” I logged 26 miles.

The truth is I enjoy running more than any of those other things that I mentioned above (well, except for lounging and watching sports) so why am I looking for something else to do for exercise? It makes about as much sense as the pronunciation of Coach Mike Krzyzewski’s last name (pronounced shah - shef - skee). From now on when my training schedule calls for a cross training day I’m lacing ‘em up and going out for an easy 3 or 4 mile run. Of course there’s always the possibility that this added mileage will lead to a post in the not too distant future talking about my new &%$#ing overuse injury, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take because good heavens man, I’ve got to try something. Besides, as my wife likes to remind me, “failing is funnier.”

P.S. Sorry I didn’t post yesterday and made you look at those Kournikova pictures for two days.


  1. So where do we set the over/under on the overuse injury? 5 weeks?

  2. Smart thinking, if you want to get faster Screw the cross training.

  3. Well, we both know that you won't be getting an overuse injury.

  4. That was directed at Raz, not RunColo.

  5. Ouch to A-Rod, but so so true. And Krzyszewki's last name cannot be written phonetically for there is no English equivalent to the "rz" sound in Polish. The way you wrote it is how everyone pronounces it, though, including Mike himself no doubt.

    Way to cross-train.

  6. made you look at those Kournikova pictures for two days.Really, that's OK. Anytime.

  7. I follow FIRST also but - this is embarrassing - I thought it called for 2-3 days of cross dressing. Oops. Now, I have no excuse.

  8. I cross train by swimming. I hear the 1 mile swimming = 4 miles running (endurance-wise). But the big thing is that I swim with my wife. She kicks my ass in the pool, satisfying her need to keep me in my place. Nobody at the pool knows me, so swimming is much less humilating then the public abuses I have endured (chick flicks, underwear shopping, feminine products on the grocery list...)

  9. I thought about doing this as well (for upcoming marathon training). Thankfully you can be the guinea pig and I'll see how it works for you before I attempt it :P

  10. Oh man - I hate cross training too. If I have to watch Billy Blanks in spandex in an aerobics video ONE MORE TIME...

    I have to at least do squats and lunges though, or my knees get pissy. Good luck, don't hurt yourself!

  11. I agree, screw cross-training! It's for people who can't run.

  12. I'm with X-Country2. The only time I cross-train is when I'm hurt and can't run. Of course, it means I'm constantly cross-training.

  13. As I do not do cross training, I do not know if I would hate it. But living on a small hobby farm, I do get a lot of extra nightly and weekend workouts. Feeding animals, scooping out stalls etc. So to me I get it without doing it.

  14. What?! All this time I've been training when pissed off doesn't count as cross training. Next I bet you'll tell me Hot Cross Buns is not about angry sexy 'tocks.

  15. I too hate cross training. Give me running, or give me the couch.

  16. cross training, helping runners realize just how much they love running since 1984.

  17. Coach Mike Krzyzewski’s last name (pronounced shah - shef - skee)


    Now how do we pronounce "&%$#ing"? Is that a soft or hard "#"?

  18. Wonderful! I myself came to this same conclusion with my own training plan. Good choice, solid. Cross training is only for those who can't commit to real training. Or so I tell myself...

  19. Enough about running. I wanna see more Anna!

  20. you didn't mention swimming...tried that? LOL.....

  21. I LIKE cross training. You obviously haven't tried any of the belly dancing or pole dancing workout videos. Sometimes you gotta get creative!

  22. I just do the FIRST without the cross training. And then I wonder why I can't break four hours in the marathon.

  23. Funny that you have a hard time picking up other things. I've found that running has become a gateway sport for me: now I'm suddenly athletic and able to pick up lots of sports/activities. That could just be me.


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