Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello Treadmill

Last night it was raining and cold and windy and wet (as a result of the rain I suspect), so when it came time to do my 5 mile tempo run I went down to the basement to run on the treadmill. Usually I really hate having to run on the treadmill because I get so bored with it, but lately I’ve noticed that my feelings can no longer be described as hate because that is much too nice a word for the way I feel about the Rubber Band of Doom (Raz’s phrase, not mine). Lately my feelings towards the treadmill are better summed up by the words despise, loathe, and abhor and even that’s not enough. What I need is a superword that combines all those things like despoathor. My despoathor for running on the treadmill is so deep and dark that the depths of it cannot be known to mortal man. If despoathor was measured by human rights violations and pollution I’d be China. But I’m letting the analogy runaway with the post so I’ll try to get back on track.

What I’m trying to tell you is that I don’t like to run on the treadmill, I hope that came across. This despoathor for the treadmill usually results in me watching TV while I run to distract myself from what I’m doing. If I can get lost in a good TV show like Gilmore Girls SportsCenter then I can lose my focus on how many hundredths of a mile have ticked by and the time seems to pass quicker. Last night I found a new show to watch that was great to run to: UFC Unleashed. For those of you who haven’t seen it’s an hour long program that shows old UFC fights. (UFC = Ultimate Fighting Championship.) Now I’ve never been a huge UFC fan, but there was something about watching it last night that made my run feel so much easier. Maybe it was an adrenaline rush from watching two guys beat each other’s brains out or maybe it was the idea that no matter how hard my run was I knew that I still wasn’t in as much pain as that guy on the TV. Whatever it was, it worked. I’ve got a new show to TiVo just in case I have to run on the treadmill again in the future.

For those of you who have never watched UFC, here’s a compilation of some knockouts courtesy of Anderson “The Spider” Silva.

Finally, because it’s Friday and I do actually listen to your comments, here are the pictures that you’ve been asking for. For the guys: More Anna! For the ladies: Ryan Reynolds who ran the NYC Marathon and Matthew McConaughey, who some of you astutely pointed out ran a triathlon. Confidential to Matty: Get yourself a manlier running stride. You may be faster than me and more successful and more attractive and more ripped and more famous but I’ve got the manlier running style. Winner? Probably Matty, but it’s close, no?


  1. So basically, you gave a semi-review of a TV show. Now WHERE would you have gotten that idea? Hmm? I'm suing.

  2. Yea MMA! You might also try The Ultimate Fighter on Wednesdays on Spike. It's a reality show following up and coming fighters trying to win a contract with the UFC. You get to see fights and 16 fighters stuck in a house with no tv and nothing else to do but get drunk and destroy the house. At least that's how it usually goes. This season is UK vs. US so I can only imagine how entertaining making fun of those accents could be! Love your blog, I think you're hilarious.

  3. agglalgllahhhhahhahghahhah...ryan renolds...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    Vanilla, you're my hero!!! THANK YOU! And you win over Matty, maybe not everyday, but certainly this day.

    As described in my post today, I too hate the Rubber Band of Doom and opted for 70 laps at the rec center track....not sure it was really better though. Especially if you had UFC.

  4. TBH, I don't remember what you wrote when I scrolled down and saw the pics of Anna, I'm sure it was someone...#1?

  5. is it just me, or does it look like vanilla put the ! at the end of anna to make it look like an L?

  6. It's just you Jeff, you dirty pervert. ;)

  7. A fartlek seems pretty tame in comparison when you watch someone's shoulder wrenched from its socket followed by a few finishing blows to the chin.

  8. The ONLY reason I'll watch UFC with the husband is because I have an irration crush on Joe Rogan.

  9. you should do a study, does watching UFC while running make you more likely to attack someone during a race?

  10. I have studied 1000s of Matty running topless photos and not once noticed his graceful running style

    Can't imagine what distracts me from his form?

  11. Actually, I know it's not how you use them, but I could just slap those photos of Anna K. up on my treadmill to keep me motivated. (Maybe you could put them there to make you, um, like it more?)

  12. That's a good word! UFC is terrible.

  13. Ryan Reynolds, abs of steel! Matty... well he is a wanker but good eye candy!

    Thanks for evening things up for the boys and the girls!

  14. I'm not a huge fan of the mill, but with all the rain lately - it's been a necessary evil. Maybe that's why I've been delirious with glee running outdoors the past two days.

    Thank you for the Ryan Reynolds eye candy!

  15. totally laughing you have some eyecandy fer the menfolk.

    is that woman who is a**out and tying her shoes even famous??



  16. YES! UFC is the best to watch while running. Makes me want to take an arm bar to the stupid treadmill.

  17. I love that you're giving props to the UFC. It's amazing the kind of shape these guys are in. Go 5 hard rounds against a heavy bag and you'll see how utterly exhausting Muay Thai is; and that's ignoring the other parts of the sport--like running away from some guy with scary tattoos that wants to kill you.

    (Also: I'd choose running on the dreadmill over running on concrete in the middle of the summer, hands down. But that's just me.)


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